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shit you hate


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  sunkenshoes said:
I hate being broke. I got payed last tuesday and already I got just like $50 left on my bank account. How is this whiteboy going to eat the rest of the month?

This whiteboy has to buy a big bag of rice, some cheap spices, and a thing of multivitamins to live off of for a month(s) at a time every so often. Get used to it, it's only going to get worse if the economy doesn't pick up.

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don't you hate it when somebody hypes up a story but refuses to tell it? "oh, no way, man, it was so gross. you'll never look at (food/person/small animal) the same again."

...and then they direct attention to themselves because people want to hear the story, it ends up being really anticlimactic, and any previous hilarity is brought to a screeching halt. maybe it's not serious on the level of the economy's downhill tumble, but it's just as capable of ruining an evening.

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i HATE putting my cats in the carrier. they cry the whole time, and i know everytime i do it i lose more of their respect.

i also hate when people send their dogs to kennels when they go out of town.

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I hate when people put their dogs in clothes. Especially when the clothes are way too tight and the dog can barely walk, and it has a look on its face like "why the fuck am I wearing this? yeah, I know it looks ridiculous, ask this fucking guy why he bought it."

I also hate those tiny little dogs that look like they are put in front of you for punting practice. Like they will make that squeakie-toy-getting-stepped-on noise if you run up and boot one right out of the park.

Yeah, little-doggie-kickball, thats a fucking game I'd like to play.

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i was shopping at the grocery store

i left my empty cart in the aisle, to go grab some toothpaste

when i come back i see some fat bitch walking off with my empty cart!

why didn't she grab a cart at the front of the store like everyone else? i should have yelled at her, but she was fat and ugly, so i just bailed.

seriously though, who does that

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^ ya, that too!! where in ohio u at?

i hate ironin my moms clothes. i dont know why. ill will iron my dads shirts/pants with no problem, but i cannot do my moms'.

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i hate faggots who fuck with my car. i live in a tame ass neighborhood full of young families and old people and every time some bad shit goes down its a hispanic dude who probably wandered in from the apartments just outside of our neighborhood. if i wasn't so blunted i might have been able to catch him and introduce him to my baseball bat.

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fucking middle aged chinese dudes that blast shitty ass chinese opera or wahtever music on the subway through their muthafuckin cell phones with shitty sound quality. WHATS UP WITH THAT? NEW TREND? they blast the same fucking shit over and over again cause their crappy phone could probably only hold 3 songs in storage max. Not to mention, the morons that play different ringtones over and over again.

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