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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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been meaning to do a photo dump in this thread for a while, finally got around to taking pics today.

first up- Lee 101z, eight months of constant wear (biking, hiking, working in a bike shop, manual labor) but these are stubborn. the denim is suprisingly light, lighter than APC, maybe 11 ounce. they had one cold soak and one ocean soak and they smell awful so i am washing them later this week. the fade on the coin pocket is from a bottlecap.




next...Wrangler 936s, ten months old, worn hard for the first six (biking, working, bike shop, blah blah) and then not as often afterwards. these are tough fucking jeans, and cheap, too. washed five times. i know some people don't like the bright blue color that washed Wranglers fade to, but i think it's a nice contrast with the fades




next...i found these Levi's for a dollar at a college junk sale, in the condition they're in. orange tab. i have no idea what model but they're the shit. anybody have insight on the tag?





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continuing from the last post since the image limit cut me off

last...APC new standards. i actually found these at goodwill, for three bucks, in pretty decent condition. they've become my everyday jeans for about two months now. i think they may have been washed, or soaked, previous to me buying them, because the pockets and all the non-denim cloth in the jeans are dark blue ink, i think...anyway.




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  tahonng said:
Why'd you take off the longhorns stitching? Didn't they hold up the half lining?

i bought them lightly used from someone off of styleforum. i would've preferred the stitching, but the previous owner didn't. i'd been wondering what the weird flap of extra fabric in the back pocket was- guess i know now.

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