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They're very different. The statesman is far heavier and the metal is titanium. Also the arms are more substantial on the Statesman.

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  On 6/28/2012 at 3:20 PM, st_ said:

are moscot lemtosh played out?

i'm not 100% sold on them but can get a sweet deal. basically just cbf looking anymore.

I dont reckon they are played out, however in saying that I have since moved to the Miltzen, fit my face a bit better. I reckon they are solid glasses though. Kop.

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what does stone-coated mean?

do you have fit pics of the glasses?

if anyone's wondering the tb x dita glasses i posted above fit a lot different than the dita statesman

they're equally as wide horizontally (which didn't work out for me....) but they had more vertical height on the eyepiece part

barney's interestingly has similar all-metal ones with the same shape, with different temples



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It means,

the wooden frames are made of approx. 6 to 7 very thin layers of different kind of wood. For those shown "stone coated" frames the 1st inner and outer layer is made of graphite. In comparison to wood a very brittle and not so easy handy material. Espacially if the layer is around 0.8 mm thick.

They also got a wooden hinge and the frame has no screws. It's an interesting mechanism to get the lenses in. In the top of the frame is a thin wire which you can strain on the left and the right side. If you put glasses in, you release the lock and the wood can expand. Than you lock the lenses by putting tension on the wire and the frame.

If the eye shop does not have the frame you want, then they are made to order and it will take around 3 to 4 months to finish them (full wood version).

I will try to make some more pictures when I am at the spot again.


Edited by frankie_four
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hi all. i recently moved to london and just had a serious glasses mishap. i need a new pair asap. i'm looking for a good 'all-in-one' optometrist in london who can test my eyes, sell me dope frames (c&g, dita etc.) and get the lenses fitted. scanning previous sufu threads i've come up with eyeworks in sw7 and the eye company in soho. has anyone had experience with either, or can you recommend an alternative? thanks.

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  On 7/10/2012 at 4:20 PM, hhenryhhh said:

My tastes in eyewear has kinda been veering towards metal and wire frames in more classical shapes lately. I know these might seem incredibly lame and pedestrian to a lot of folks but I really want a pair of these Oliver Peoples Shepard frames (http://www.contactsa...aine-10781.aspx)

I need to stop buying eyeglasses all the time

i think you'd be able to get something remarkably similar for a lot less than $340. imo that frame doesn't really justify it's price tag.

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Oh no, I wasn't planning on buying them or anything (at least not at that price) - I was just putting it out there that I liked them.



The new Soloist ones look great, the silver metal pair especially.

The Armanis below actually look pretty dope too, it's a little more rounded than the Soloist frames but you'd be saving yourself a few hundred - gonna file these under "might cop"


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so i tried on the miltzen frame by moscot. like the shape but the frames are a tad too big for me. anything similar but smaller frames? I know it's a pretty common shape but i'm looking for something in the price range of moscots (200-300) if that helps

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Hey guys,

was wondering if anybody knows a place that still sells the ray ban 5193 since they seem to be discontinued. All I found is this ebay seller of which I'm not sure if legit:


also someone (team3d) in this thread said one could get the oliver peoples riley for about 130$ off ebay. the regular price might be a little too much for me, but I really like the riley and the sheldrake. any recomendations perhaps ?

I also found these: http://www.bonlook.com/product/simply-fabulous-brown can someone say anything about the quality ? also warby parker came to my attention.

Thanks a lot !

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