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Out of these possible courses, which two would be you recommend?

1. Anthropology (cultural, physical, archaeological, linguistic)

2. Philosophy

3. Psychology

4. Sociology (social structures, issues, theories)

5. Cultural Studies (interpretation / foundation of modern culture)

Both would be taked as electives, so they have nothing to do with my career.

Ideally, I would want to take something which is both interesting and not excessively challenging.

I don't know anything about these subjects, so any advice would be appreciated.


Is it better to spread courses over the week, or to group them together so I have unoccupied days?

Are you a 1st year college student?

Those five classes you mentioned above sound extremely dull (at least to me).

Anyway, I think you are asking the wrong question.

It'll be easy to answer questions like "which one is easier? math for non-majors or mutlivariable calculus." If those are all survey courses, workload / difficulty will depend on the instructor.

With regards to spreading your workload, it really depends on your style. People have different styles.

If you happen to take insane classes like physical chemistry, neuroanatomy, or advanced organic chemistry, you will need to study every day (pretty much).

On the other hand, if you just take classes like "Poems 101" and "Renaissance 101" You will never have to study.

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Out of these possible courses, which two would be you recommend?

1. Anthropology (cultural, physical, archaeological, linguistic)

2. Philosophy

3. Psychology

4. Sociology (social structures, issues, theories)

5. Cultural Studies (interpretation / foundation of modern culture)

Both would be taked as electives, so they have nothing to do with my career.

Ideally, I would want to take something which is both interesting and not excessively challenging.

I don't know anything about these subjects, so any advice would be appreciated.


Is it better to spread courses over the week, or to group them together so I have unoccupied days?

imo sociology and psychology. very interesting subjects, and they both work hand in hand.

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I would say Cultural Studies and Sociology or Psychology.

And about your class scheduling - make your classes revolve around whatever else you're doing. If you're working, I would schedule classes for Tues/Thurs or Monday/Wed(/Friday). It really depends on what you're comfortable with. My fall schedule is Monday/Wednesday and one course during Friday.

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1. Anthropology (cultural, physical, archaeological, linguistic)

2. Philosophy

3. Psychology

4. Sociology (social structures, issues, theories)

5. Cultural Studies (interpretation / foundation of modern culture)

i'd have to say the easier two would be anth and cultural studies, since they're both pretty straight-forward.

i enjoyed philosophy and psychology because i had great professors, but it's a bitch of a semester if you have uninteresting ones.

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Out of these possible courses, which two would be you recommend?

1. Anthropology (cultural, physical, archaeological, linguistic)

2. Philosophy

3. Psychology

4. Sociology (social structures, issues, theories)

5. Cultural Studies (interpretation / foundation of modern culture)

Physical anthropology is SO FREAKING boring. I took it in high school and I had to memorize australopithecus aferensus, homo habilis, and foramem magnum and all these terms for the bones and structures.

It's like a worthless, outdated Anatomy and Physiology class.

Cultural is easier, talks about marriage, kinship, etc..

Philosophy....eh that's stuff is too complicated, but if you can express a strong opinion and interested in that stuff, I guess you can do it.

Psychology is very interesting and most people like to take it. It's not that hard, a good choice. I took it in HS and College and always enjoy about how people's minds work.

Sociology is also somewhat similar to psychology, only for groups of people in social situations. Also interesting...took it in HS.

Cultural Studies...if you like to learn more about people of different culture or traveling...I guess this is good too.

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So sociology it is then. icon14.gif

I have another question though:

Generally speaking, what goes on during an intro course?

Should I expect to put in an honest effort, or am I going to spend most of my time talking/phone/music/games like last year?

As long as you read, do the homework, put effort in your papers, and listen to the important stuff in class, most intro classes aren't that hard.

Best to get in as many 4.0s as possible on the intro classes before high level classes start taking up room on your schedule.

What I remember most about taking sociology...Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft!! lol just because they're cool sounding German words.

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from what i remember everyone went out on thursday nights, so fridays off would be ideal if thats how your campus does it.

i wouldnt want classes on mon night either as MNF is on but thats just me or even thursday night as theres always a college game on thursday nights

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aren't anthropology and cultural studies like 90% the same thing? if you pick those two, it could probably be cake cause they're so similar and some of the material may overlap. i have a slight bias towards anthropology cause i loved the material in high school and i'm planning to major in it.

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Philosophy is def a NO!!! A waste of fucking time.. especially the teachers are always assholes or talk like they are the fucking smartest people on earth..

my uncle wain Philosophy major.. with a master degree.. after school.. N job for him.. Now he is a computer networking manager in a big bank company (of course he went to computer school after the master)

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This thread is stupid as fuck. You need other people to tell what's interesting? Does your mom still wipe your ass, too?

Personally, I think psychology is a pseudo-science and unworthy of study. Others disagree. I think philosophy is the most interesting/applicable subject in that list. Many disagree. Who gives a shit?

Hint: in college, students usually pick classes based on the reputations of the professors.

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id personally go for sociology first of all those

its probably the most common sense based as well as often utilized in every day life of all of those

if you have strong common sense, itll be easy

if you have somewhat poor common sense, itll improve it

that is, unless you have a horrible teachers who focuses on definitions and theories entirely

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  • 3 years later...

4 years later

do you no what the hell happened

start: went to shit school because I didn't get in anywhere else - planned to transfer right after first semester

year 1 - never went to lectures and failed to achieve transfer-worthy gpa -> forced to leave local campus

year 2 - left town to go to attend main campus -> flunked out completely (academic probation)

year 3 - taking online courses -> took 2 times longer than schedule and failed half of them.

year 4 - fresh start at least respected school downtown - failed a few already.

PQRS7 resume :

- 65% highskool average, 52% in calculus :/

- flunked out of four fine post-secondary instiutions

- no job experience, no work ethic, no confidence

- no skills (practical or social), no sex appeal, no health

- high hopes, nervous wreck, no connections

advice would be nicee

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4 years later

do you no what the hell happened

start: went to shit school because I didn't get in anywhere else - planned to transfer right after first semester

year 1 - never went to lectures and failed to achieve transfer-worthy gpa -> forced to leave local campus

year 2 - left town to go to attend main campus -> flunked out completely (academic probation)

year 3 - taking online courses -> took 2 times longer than schedule and failed half of them.

year 4 - fresh start at least respected school downtown - failed a few already.

PQRS7 resume :

- 65% highskool average, 52% in calculus :/

- flunked out of four fine post-secondary instiutions

- no job experience, no work ethic, no confidence

- no skills (practical or social), no sex appeal, no health

- high hopes, nervous wreck, no connections

advice would be nicee

1. join the military

2. start a fashion blog

3. fuck bitches, get money


- no job experience, no work ethic, no confidence

- no skills (practical or social), no sex appeal, no health

- high hopes, nervous wreck, no connections

cmon dude..

grow some huevos

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My advice :


Free room and board, don't have to pay any utilities, free meals, social activities set up by the guards.

You can spend your days reading, playing video games.

Join a club (gang), have lots and lots of sex. Work out a ton, get big.

Never worry about finances unless you wanna buy high quality processed foods every now and then.

It's like a whole big pile of fun

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edit: holy fuck

this thread started 4 years ago?

and you did what with your life?

shit, man. should have just joined the mil back in '07, at least you would have had the GI bill (assuming you still had limbs) to help you through college.

edit: and good luck. 4 years ago i was in (kinda) similar circumstances. I had done pretty middlingly my first two years of uni, wasn't sure if i wanted to continue pursuing medicine as a career, and wanted to drop out/switch over to cognitive science/engineering.

good luck with everything.

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if i were you, i'd just drop out. you are failing hard, and it doesn't seem like you're making any progress. you'll be the guy that takes 10 years for his bachelor's while his friends are all in grad school fucking med school bitches.

don't be that guy.

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Dude did you seriously just ask if you should attempt a CFA after saying you've failed out of 4 different schools? Not to be a dick, but getting a CFA charter = passing 3 tests that have about a 25% pass rate (to pass all 3) and working in for a financial firm for 4 years. I suggest focusing on a bachelor's before thinking about this..

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