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axstang---good point. i guess it must be that some force requires my post count to increase. i don't think it is a choice. i am merely the instrument of some post-whoring energy in the cosmos. and i think i do have a history of answering PMs in the "normal" manner. sorry for the slow reply. i am beginning to suspect this was not such a great idea. for one, i thought peeps would be asking about the nature of reality...

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begs---this matter was another hot topic of discussion at the BiG/Evisu/Sufu meetup. consensus is that the minya is around, but she's focusing her energy on covertly subverting expressions of individuality among futurians so that the hive

becomes a stronger force when it comes time for her to use this force to her secret, wicked end. as stated before, she is sharpening her boot.

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mr waffles: my instinct tells me yes. but you know it is particularly difficult for heterosexual men to show affection to their male friends in appropriate manner; mainly because there isn't really a precedent for it. a pat on the back is often not enough. but really, more information is needed before one can draw conclusions. an episode of murphy brown suggested that one can figure this out by telling the subject that there is something stuck to the bottom of his shoe. if he checks by bending the leg at the knee and turning the foot in front of the body to check the sole, that would suggest a preference for the opposite sex. to bend the leg at the knee and look over the shoulder at the offending sole would suggest a homosexual preference. this is not scientific. and it did not work out in the television program in question. so there you are.

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dum: yes and yes, duh. and that reminds me of that filipino human genesis story. god as a baker.

hap: don't be coy. i was looking at the motherlode at the source and marvelled at the volume, but more than that, the quality. the titles read like a poem. so yes. and yes. heh.

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