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anyone know of shops in the SFV-LA-Hollywood area that sell BHO capsules or the like?

i never really smoked much at all through my years, MJJ or cigarettes. then i bought a sweet 14 inch US tubes 38mm special tube and gradually started smoking a lot over the next 4 months, getting up to a 1/4 every 4-7 days. kind of ridiculous for some virgin lungs. needless to say my lungs were not happy at all and i'm kind of done with smoke.

i've tried edibles a couple of times and they just did not work. they were supposedly triple strength and i had two both times. one was made with butter and the other with hash oil.

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literally any club you walk into should have a selection of oils and hashes and other concentrates. dont get too confused thinking thats gonna save your lungs though, hash will get you. look into vaporizing maybe

I dunno, hash of course will get you, but extremely concentrated oils, c02 extracts, even BHO what may have you are a lot more forgiving on your lungs than smoking flowers. I've smoked solely concentrates for about 6-8 months now and my lungs feel a lot better compared to how they would smoking the same amount of flowers.

I did the same as you guys trying to switch to a vape first, but I know very few people who stick with the vape for long.... high just isn't the same satisfaction imo.

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if you're smoking really good oils or hashes thats true but thats expensive to do all of the time. i know this isnt anything scientific but my homie that only smokes hash has the shittiest lungs and cough of anyone i know around my age, he smokes low/med grade stuff all the time and fat rips of that will put it on you

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literally any club you walk into should have a selection of oils and hashes and other concentrates. dont get too confused thinking thats gonna save your lungs though, hash will get you. look into vaporizing maybe

i'm confused... how would taking BHO CAPSULES (pills) possibly harm my lungs?

vaporizing just isn't the same for me.

edit: this is what i'm looking for


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maybe because i mentioned the capsules exclusively and he replied with ". dont get too confused thinking thats gonna save your lungs though"?

anyways, found this after some interneting. http://www.cannabrex.com/catalog.htm

looks solid but i would like to actually try a few pills before making the plunge.

damn i didnt think you meant you actually wanted to take those all the time, i figured you just meant BHO. thatd suck man i'd rather vape than just pop a couple pills any day and i dont really like vaping at all. ive had stuff like that before, it definitely gets you but its more like an edible high where instead of that kinda light euphoric buzz youre just fuckin trucked stoned as shit. not really my steez i'd rather take a snap of some AAA

joe look on craigslist, people post solid pieces on there pretty cheap all the time. im not workin today if you wanna peep haight lol

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the "best" you could probably get is some used roor in the 70-100 dollar price range.

i have a soft spot for US Tubes and i'd wait until something came up in your area (craigslist). they're super safe as "party" pieces - mine is 7mm thick all around - and they hit like a champ.

maybe i'm just a glass snob now, though.

Cool, cool. I think I'll look into that

joe look on craigslist, people post solid pieces on there pretty cheap all the time. im not workin today if you wanna peep haight lol

Haha, I gotta write my weed letters to the school today. Thanks, though. I've been looking on cl and stuff but havent found anything ive wanted yet

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the "best" you could probably get is some used roor in the 70-100 dollar price range.

i have a soft spot for US Tubes and i'd wait until something came up in your area (craigslist). they're super safe as "party" pieces - mine is 7mm thick all around - and they hit like a champ.

maybe i'm just a glass snob now, though.

us tubes are def the way to go if you want something that wont break.

id suggest you save up another hundred or so and just buy a nice piece of glass; its definitely worth it.

word. I have a 7mm straight shot with 6 arm luke wilson downstem, and it is a beautiful thing. Enough filtration with 6 arms, and clears instantly. while being as sturdy as Louisville Slugger.

Side note, just got a Da Budha vaporizer and loving the shit out of it in my dorm room. PPPeeeRRRffffEEEccTTT. :cool:

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