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Guest Methimphibian
  jet@omic said:
so does having extra h2o filtering, diffusers, percs, ashcatchers etc. create a more potent smoke? or does it just make a smoother hit?

The point of an ashcatch is to keep the glass clean and add another chamber. Percs and diffys are just different methods of diffusion, I've hit off both for a long long time, perc is probably a tad smoother than a diffy but in the long run hardly noticeable on a single chamber. Ideally you don't want more than 3 chambers ever, more than 3 chambers will create drag like a mofo.

No piece of glass can create a more potent smoke, if you want a more potent smoke then just add hash on top in any form like kief or bubble or whatever. The point of a $700 Toro/SG is just the superior build quality and the smoothness of the toke.

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butI think when you get caught with a labeled marijuana bag it's the same offense as getting caught with a prescription medicine that's not yours. I used to ask my friend for his bud jars that came from the clinic and had cool stickers on it with the bud names. He'd always peel off the sticker before giving me the jar for that reason.

I don't know how accurate that information is since both my friend and i are avid pot smokers and not lawyers.

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  aoi said:
I'm still kinda curious as to what's so bad about the labeling, but I guess I'm not gonna push it any further.

Because there's then zero question about contents, and it's much more traceable.

If you had coke in a bag with "3.55g - 76.6% Cocaine" label on it you can't exactly say it's baking powder or legally obtained, pulverized scripts.

See whattemsayin

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  x2br00tal4ux said:
picked this torch up at home depot for 10 bucks.

it has 3 possible settings, flame, soldering tip, and a heating element.

the heating element attachment (as shown in the picture) is perfect for vaporizing product in whatever you want. great for bong rips.

10 dollar vape, and works incredibly well.


I am going over to home depot right now to go purchase that exact torch. How does the heating element work? does the metal just get hot or is there a flame of some sort?

This thing is powered by butane correct?

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  simon626 said:
I am going over to home depot right now to go purchase that exact torch. How does the heating element work? does the metal just get hot or is there a flame of some sort?

This thing is powered by butane correct?

im not entirely sure haha. you slide the attachment up so that you can ignite the gas through a small hole, once its lit you slide it back down, which extinguishes the flame but allows the gas to continue to fuel the element. so theres no flame, think more like a hair dryer, but butane powered.


there's where you light the flame, as well as showing it lit.


attachment slid down.


what the element looks like heating up, it gets to be glowing pretty stong eventually.

ive found 2 to be the best setting for lighting as well as vaping. makes it harder to ignite the green.

edit- just got done using it. it never ceases to amaze me.

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  bernt said:
thats dope

I assume it's refillable, right? I've been looking for an alternate to lighters, recently. Anyone else have good methods?

Bee line/ hemp wick.

Torch lighter plus wand?

Ceramic heating element? (soldering iron)

Ive explored all of these options, nothing as convenient as the bee line, nothing as clean As the wand. Vaporizing is probably the best

Edit: vaporizing is best in terms of health. Preference wise i think the glass wand would be my fave. Its just a hassle some times.

2nd Edit: On a clear day, magnifying glass + sunlight gives a really clean hit.

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  destructodisk said:
do you think this would work well for hash too? i've always found indirect heat to be the best method for that, and that jawn looks like it might just work out..

as far as hash, i would recommend a glass wand of sorts. this torch would be awesome for heating up said wand. who knows though, it might work great. real hash is difficult to find in my area so my experience is non existant.

  bernt said:
thats dope

I assume it's refillable, right? I've been looking for an alternate to lighters, recently. Anyone else have good methods?

it is.

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yeah i prefer using a hemp wick / bee line if i have some. reminds me, i need to get more. but generally its easy to use and much prefer it over a lighter.

my favorite was a torch + glass wand though. for some reason, that always got me much higher off bong rips than other heating methods. problem is its a hassle to reheat the wand every time someone wanted a rip, or worse, someone unknowingly picks up the wand from the wrong end. that got ugly.

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Solar hit is really really clean. Although the bud still burns, the fuel for the flame is sunlight so there really is no foreign chemical or flavor minus the bud's natural taste. Hemp wick is smooth, but i can definitely still taste it.

I've also tried wood matches and theu arent bad if you let the phosphorous tip burn off and just have the wood fueled flame. Still has a taste, just not like butane.

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depends on the person. if you have a low bodyfat % and are a pretty active cat you could probably get it out of your system in a week. but in most instances it takes around a month. drink lots of water/cranberry juice in the meantime and go for a run :)

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You should've taken a break earlier... A week is a little on the short side, I think. But I've heard so many different things about how long it takes, but I think it's really up to how often you did it. I was clean after a month off after smoking daily for 2 years.

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I was a chronic smoker for a while, but that stopped about a year and a half ago. Since then I rarely if ever smoked. About three or four weeks ago I started smoking again. A few hits sunday nights, not throughout the day or anything. Just a short session on sunday nights.

This job interview just came up and they test right after the interview (!) and I really fucking hate my current job so I wish I had a little more notice.

I'm 5'9, 149 lbs. I hope to god that I pass.

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