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Shrinking hems to promote roping effect.

wild style

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Dissatisfied with the lack of roping on my chainstitched hems, I thought I'd give those guys a little help. Did a quick search and didn't find anything on the topic, but went for it anyway.

Nothing to lose, I boiled a pot of water and dipped the hems of my denims in the boiling water for about a minute each. Then I took a heat gun (all I had) and started drying the hems. I was able to see the roping begin almost immediately, cool. Tired of holding the heat gun, I dipped the hems one more time, and threw the jeans into the dryer.

Blurry results:



Excited to see how they'll look after some more wear. Oh, and apologies to the denim gods if this is considered cheating. :)

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Do you mean the line where they've been cuffed for the past 4 months?

no. maybe it's the pics, but it seems you can see a clear difference in the color of the indigo at the bottom. but I guess it won't really matter if you're going to wear them cuffed past that line.

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I've done this exact thing on a pair of shorts i made last year, turned out really well. maybe a bit too short.. it was an experiment more than anything...

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Wild Style: the unbound wildness of your style is possibly only matched by that of your commitment to detail, and should be taken as nothing less than an inspiration to us all. You are truly fearless, sir! In my my experience, btw, women go crazy for a well defined roping effect. Good luck trying to keep them away with those bad boys.

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