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Hair Thread


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Dino, is it either the full monty or nothing? I do like homeless steez but it's a pretty big commitment to go with that look *every* day...the long ass hair/full beard combo will definitely attract attention which might be annoying. Why not just grow your hair out and skip the lumberjack beard? The middle stage won't have the AE/Hollister/AF bullshit look since nothing else about your style is that way.

I fully agree that you will scare the shit out of a lot of cute girls with that look...wish I had your problem of needing to repel women!

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i know, im boutta be on that eccentric crazy/steezy genius tip. the beard may or may not get to that dash snow length, im playing that one by ear based on how it looks a little ways down the line, but as of now its planned to go all out. the hair is definitely not getting cut for a long time

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wish i could do that, but i can't grow a beard worth a shit. i've been trying to grow mine out for a while now, but keep cutting it because it starts looking shitty. almost cut this today. got an important meeting on tuesday and thinking it needs a cut so i can look all business-like. shit's dirty. i need to wash it. i'm sick. fuck it.


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  dino might! said:
i know, im boutta be on that eccentric crazy/steezy genius tip.

lookin forward to the reinvention of Dino as eccentric madman

btw this reminds me of that Hopper quote in Speed, since it was on TV last night..."Poor people are crazy, Jack. I'm eccentric."

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I would have to travel for about 3 hours to guarantee a good stylist so to avoid yet another shitty local cut I decided to try doing it myself. I tried cutting my own hair for the first time a couple months ago but didn't have proper tools and ended up seeing a stylist who scolded me for fucking my hair up and then proceeded to make it worse (with a bitchy attitude to boot). So yesterday I went out and bought this:


...and attempted to cut it myself again. Something of a jugend style.

So, I put it to SuFu, is my second attempt:

1) pretty good - leave it be

2) salvageable with adjustments

3) awful - give up again and relegate myself to a shitty local "professional"








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dino your looking at 2 year to 2.5 years for that length if your hair is curly then 3 years. Im growing mine back out too. i've "cut" my hair once since december 2005. that was in march 08 if im not mistaken. its looking shaggy

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dino personally i would think you would definitely not look like the surfer stereotype with mid length hair so long as you grew your beard. once your hair was longer though, you should ditch the beard and just rock the clean long hair look with your steez.

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Jackboot, impressive that you did it yourself. That kind of what I have going on now only that the sides and back have grown out and are more untidy, with the bangs slicked back to the side 'stead of the jurgend asymmetrical part.

Good stuff.

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Thanks for the comments and rep guys. I think this style is pretty easy to self-cut and have a reasonable chance of looking OK. I was asked via PM and in this thread what I did, so if you want to try it yourself, here ya go - but keep in mind I have absolutely no previous experience or tutoring so feel free to add corrections on how to properly cut hair if you are in the know (and sorry for the length):

1. I left my hair dry to cut it. Pin up the hair that you want to leave long. For me this meant using my natural part on both sides and just in front of the crown in the back.

2. Stand in front of the mirror and turn the razor on and off for about an hour whilst deciding if you really want to possibly look like a retard

3. Use a long guard on the razor (I used the max length of mine) and shave all the sides and back the same length right up to the hair you have pinned back at the part and crown BUT make sure to fade the transition from the shaved sides to the long top a little bit - I tried to make the fade area abrupt at about 1-2cm.

4. Depending on how long the hair on top is, use sharp scissors and a comb or your fingers and take sections of hair and shorten to the desired length (just like the stylist does every time). Be sure not to just cut straight across in one big snip - this is the mistake that most 5-year olds make when cutting their own hair and why they look so stupid afterwords. Hold the scissors at a slight angle (almost parallel) to the hair you are cutting and make small snip snip snips across so that the hair is cut somewhat jagged up to your fingers/comb. This shortening step should only be done from the crown to maybe halfway towards your forehead.

5. The front fringe/bangs should be left long for this style so be careful when transitioning from the previous step as you approach the front half of the top of your head. Trim the fringe by combing straight down and using the same method of holding the scissors almost parallel at a slight angle and use small snips to shorten the fringe to the desired length. It might be easier to wet the hair to do this step. If so, remember that when the hair drys it will fall shorter than when it is wet so don't cut too much! I cut mine so that it is eyebrow length when wet and combed down.

That's all I did to get the result in the pictures I posted. Since then I've done one more step:

6. Comb the hair forward so that if falls naturally to the sides and front. Depending on how long the hair on top is you may notice that it looks kind of funny on the sides as the long hair on top falls over the short hair on the sides to create kind of an undercut look. Of course when it is styled the long hair on the sides are pushed forward and to the middle so this look doesn't occur. But your hair will inevitably look like this when walking about on a breezy day (as I discovered). To correct this I combed my hair forward as above and used scissors on an angle to snip the long hair falling over the sides so that the transition from long to short isn't so drastic, especially for the the back half of the top.

Here are the primary pictures I used to try to replicate the style:



Also, this one posted earlier in this thread:


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Debating whether to attempt a semi hitler youth haircut on my own in a few minutes or go round to the local greek barbers and ask for a VERY short back and sides, leave the length on top and fade it. I haven't been to get my hair cut for 10 years, just been buzzing it as short as humanly possible every 2 weeks. I have about 3 months of growth on it right now so it's all the same length all over, if it looks shit I'll just shave it all off and start again.

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Well I should have gone with my first instinct and got it cut by a pro, ended up cutting it a little too short on the sides and the hair on top looked totally out of place so I just cut it all off. Guess I'll start again, glad I tried it now and not in another 3 months though!

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