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Only the finest white cloth will do...

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Jil Sander shirts seem to be priced a lot more reasonably than they used to be, but I haven't taken a closer look at them...will check that out. It seems over here that after the discount, they cost a bit more than a Banana Republic shirt would at full price. Nice piece dyed cotton pants too.

I liked that Dries shirt with the white rose on the breast pocket - nice detail. Dries is consistent with good pricing too...

Carol Christian Poell also makes great button down shirts, but so expensive - $1000 for cotton button downs in plain white and black in Japan, don't know what the Stateside price is, and Joyce here in HK stopped carrying him.

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Carol Christian Poell also makes great button down shirts, but so expensive - $1000 for cotton button downs in plain white and black in Japan, don't know what the Stateside price is, and Joyce here in HK stopped carrying him.

I was gonna go to Atelier and have a look at these, they looked prety nice on the interweb, but I figured as much price wise. Even at 40% off, we're talkin 4 or 5 bills is my guess.

I'm happy with my cloak shirt.

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Carol Christian Poell button-downs can be had for real reasonable prices if you're willing to troll Y! Japan.

Unless you don't think $300-600 is a reasonnable price...

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you guys are crazy

RBW, all those great suggestions and you buy cloak

As long as you're happy my dude.

I bought Cloak because It fit me almost perfectly.

What would you buy if you were me?

On a side note...it's interesting to observe the cycles on SF as to what brands are popular, what holds it's weight over time, and what is deemed passe. I almost feel like Cloak is on the way out here these days amongst those who liked it previously (don't know if that includes you Jet, but I thought so) in favor of Ann D, Bless, CCP, LUC etc....

Unlike some of the above brands,their items are not impeccably constructed, but they fit me well and I like the detailing for the time being.

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I bought Cloak because It fit me almost perfectly.

What would you buy if you were me?

On a side note...it's interesting to observe the cycles on SF as to what brands are popular, what holds it's weight over time, and what is deemed passe. I almost feel like Cloak is on the way out here these days amongst those who liked it previously (don't know if that includes you Jet, but I thought so) in favor of Ann D, Bless, CCP, LUC etc....

Unlike some of the above brands,their items are not impeccably constructed, but they fit me well and I like the detailing for the time being.

Well my shirt requisites are unlike most on this board. I don't go for what's popular just quality and fit with an aesthetic that is appealing to me so if it doesn't meet those I don't buy. I also buy for the long term, I don't like the idea of buying shirts that aren't perfect b/c the flaws will eat me up inside and I'll hate myself every time I put them on like in the past. I've seen dior shirts brand new with labels falling off on the rack. However, given your circumstances you did what was best for you at that time so I can respect that. Fit is key and cloak quality while not the best is decent.

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Well my shirt requisites are unlike most on this board. I don't go for what's popular just quality and fit with an aesthetic that is appealing to me so if it doesn't meet those I don't buy. I also buy for the long term, I don't like the idea of buying shirts that aren't perfect b/c the flaws will eat me up inside and I'll hate myself every time I put them on like in the past. I've seen dior shirts brand new with labels falling off on the rack. However, given your circumstances you did what was best for you at that time so I can respect that. Fit is key and cloak quality while not the best is decent.

Regarding those Dior shirts, you mean the silver tag on the collar? I don't think that's necessarily an indication of the shirt's actual quality...the silver tag on Dior garments is fragile to begin with and with regular wear it's unlikely to hold up anyway. But i can understand how buying an item that's supposed to be brand new but looks like it's been handled a lot can be bothersome.

I don't mind buying clothes that aren't perfect...lots of shirts i've bought have had things like excess threads hanging out, or maybe fits slightly loose, etc. Different clothes for different occasions...a bit of imperfection makes the garment more human and less stiff.

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the demeulemeester shirt with the tie fits real nice. it's cut a bit wider (which would probably suit you well), but it still drapes very nicely (even on thinner frames). the sleeves are subtly pleated, and the fact that it's made of silk/cotton is certainly a plus. it's $330 at barneys right now, in case you're interested.

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390? I'm pretty sure that's the same shirt i saw in Japan (swiss cotton, no particularly special details), which was retailing for around 112,000 yen. It's a great fitting shirt though...i have a thing for those kinda pieces which I call "bar shirts". Heh, it's probably the easiest thing to wear out of the whole Poell collection.

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Yea, I have a few of the shirts and they are tailored to perfection!

Poell's pricing seems pretty crazy in Japan. But hell, if they can sell it at that price, then so be it. I guess it's always cheaper to get the items from the country it's made.

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I was going to start a new thread about this, but this seemed like it was already the perfect venue, so my conundrum is as follows:

More than any other piece of clothing, it's damn near impossible for me to find a well fitting button front shirt. I'm 5' 8 and very slim and the shoulders are always too wide and the sleeves always unflatteringly bunched throughout.

However, I was just at Atelier to picked up the loose weave The Viridi-Anne suit jacket, which I had been waiting to go on sale, and while there I noticed that same swiss cotton CCP button front that goldengloves mentioned. I tried it on, figuring that it probably wouldn't fit it anyway, especially in a 46, but low and behold, it was fucking perfect. I mean _the_ perfect fit. Absolutely beautiful and exactly what I'm looking for.

However, if I'm not mistaken (and I certainly hope I am) the retail price on the shirt is $590, not $390, which is the same price I paid for the aforementioned jacket. This shirt fit so well that I'm actually considering going back and buying it, even though I definitely don't have the money, but, I was wondering if anyone here has experience with made-to-measure.

In particular I know that Lord Willy's and Duncan Quinn will both custom make shirts in a slim cut for ~$250 a pop. Even though the minimum order is two shirts, that would still come out to less than the Poell, and I'd have two shirts to wear on top of it.

However, my concerns are two fold: 1) I have no experience with the quality of their products, in particular I haven't heard any reports of their longevity and 2) whether I can put enough faith into the tailor and measurements to buy a shirt sight (and fit) unseen

To that end I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Duncan Quinn, Lord Willy's or can recommend an alternative tailor to seek out for custom shirts.

Or, even better, can someone verify that I'm crazy and the Poell swiss white cotton shirt is actually 390?


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maldoror in that case maybe you should consider bespoke...Ascot Chang has shirts with good fabric, sea island cotton and all that and i think they make their shirts from scratch according to your specs and reqs. Not sure how much it is though, but it can't be worse than paying for a top name designer whose shirt may come out fitting less than perfect off the rack.

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a good all-white is great to have. however, it's so easy to stain and if you're not careful, you get those ugly arm-pit stains.

my favorite all-white is one i had made for me in thailand. it was cheap but the material is good and it's super-duper fitted.

if you guys ever make it to thailand, get a suit and a few shirts made. maybe one of the best deals i ever got on clothing.

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yes, custom made while in asia is a good way to go - one of the tailors at barneys a few years back was from hong kong and he once told me (sotto voce) that the shirt he was wearing cost him like $20 there. it was a pretty nice shirt.

fashion-wise a good casual white shirt is worth its weight in gold. my current favorite is an ann one i got on sale last summer in antwerp that is deliberately cut to be buttoned up crooked (top button goes in 2nd top buttonhole etc). nobody can beat ann for the way her shirts (esp sleeves) hang on your body.

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fashion-wise a good casual white shirt is worth its weight in gold. my current favorite is an ann one i got on sale last summer in antwerp that is deliberately cut to be buttoned up crooked (top button goes in 2nd top buttonhole etc). nobody can beat ann for the way her shirts (esp sleeves) hang on your body.

i started to unalign my buttons after seeing mark wahlberg do it on i <3 huckabees.


carry on.

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