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Superfuture - a gangster ass movie

Guest DUM

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Guest jmatsu

okay...i'm bored.

you guys got your character castings and the scripts, but more importantly who/or what fashion label/house will be doing the costumes

? what are the costumes like? is everyone basically wearing their own shit? will shit be modified to compliment the film??

what about the soundtrack? what songs and artists would correspond to which scenes?

based on the "whatareyoueatingtoday?" thread, who will be doing the catering?

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okay...i'm bored.

you guys got your character castings and the scripts, but more importantly who/or what fashion label/house will be doing the costumes

? what are the costumes like? is everyone basically wearing their own shit? will shit be modified to compliment the film??

what about the soundtrack? what songs and artists would correspond to which scenes?

based on the "whatareyoueatingtoday?" thread, who will be doing the catering?


gonna be a huge range of labels, since we've casted people from the amerikaji to the gothninjas to elitist street to thriftguy gangs. i'd rather spend the cash on special effects - lots of cg, explosions, acid trips, gun battles, more explosions - so everyone will have to bring what they own. lame, but i also need money to provide an open bar on set, 24/7. no one is casted outside their "sufu character" so it isn't a big deal.

there might be a small stipend to supplement your wardrobe though. depends on the funding. might need insidetrader, drraijo, or 2000 db to look into this.

tg, ande, and thomas will be enlisted into sewing anything else we need.


music is not my area so maybe someone else can fill in. dum? sera?


sufu members who will be forced into catering: vahalla and maybe felix

others: red's mom (lumpia only), felix's mom (mainly baking), and soepom's mom (everything else)

selegna will be tending the open bar

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servo - if you can do the voice like the narrotor from the movie 300, that would be fucking awesome.

the soundtrack should be a colaboration of superfuture style songs, i think it was massurate that made the, if superfuture was or had a soundtrack what would it be. check that thread out. i think its in the culture section of the forum.

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servo - if you can do the voice like the narrotor from the movie 300, that would be fucking awesome.

the soundtrack should be a colaboration of superfuture style songs, i think it was massurate that made the, if superfuture was or had a soundtrack what would it be. check that thread out. i think its in the culture section of the forum.

Personally, I think this thing should be a musical in the "Indie-Dance/Electro/Neu-Rave/Disco/House Music" so all of the narration is done in crazy house-style vocoded sing-song.

Imagine it: a film noir / crime drama set to the sounds of the aforementioned music craze, all the fighting crazy hyper stylized music-video drug trips running straight into scenes of desolation and loss. I'd lose my shit.

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Alright, opening scene. This whole scene is only one shot:

Fade from back to the front of a dilapited theater. The camera pans from the sky, to the door, and then moves into the theater through the opening in the ticket dealers window, narrowly avoiding the hand of the ticket woman as she collects someones money. As the camera moves inside, the music gets louder and louder, until we realized we're at a MSTRKRFT concert.

We are now inside the theater, and the camera pans across the DJs, the crowd, setting up what is to come. It moves over and above the crowd to the mixing deck. In the sound check area above the crowd we find our Rich looking bored, watching the mixing board. Quickly, we find ourselves once again in the crown, and we see her: our heroine!

Somehow, their eyes meet. The music gains volume and the crowd bursts into choreographed dancing as our heroine moves to the center of the dance floor. A disco ball descends from the ceiling and the lights turn gold, as the camera spins wildly around the dancers.

"Work on You" is cued up:

"I'm gonna work on you,

Until you're feeling right,

I'm gonna make you mine,

under the disco light."

Rich descends the stairs as the dancing crowd begin their acrobatics. They meet on the floor, they grab hold of each other, and just as their lips are about to meet: a gunshot!


Someone else take it from here.

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as the door flings open the music stops and a shadowy figure smoking a ciggy takes a long drag and flings it to the floor as he pulls out an AK47 and says "nothing else exists." then takes a step forward into the light and the camera zooms in to a superclose up to his face....its haptronic.....but wheres bizzy?

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as the door flings open the music stops and a shadowy figure smoking a ciggy takes a long drag and flings it to the floor as he pulls out an AK47 and says "nothing else exists." then takes a step forward into the light and the camera zooms in to a superclose up to his face....its haptronic.....but wheres bizzy?

Our two lovers are quickly seperated by the ensuing panic as bullets rip into the crowd, searching for unknown targets. As they are pulled apart by the crowd, we can see the words being mouthed, "I'll find you."

The camera leaves the scene the way it came in and heads backwards into the sky of the city. The theater slowly fades as it gets smaller and smaller and begins to burn. The Klaxons - It's Not Over Yet

"I'll live for you

I'd die for you

Do what you want me to

I'll cry for you

My tears will show

That I can't let you go

It's not over, not over, not over, not over yet

You still want me, don't you

It's not over, not over, not over, not over yet

Cos I can see through you

It's not over, not over, not over, not over yet

Don't let me down

Don't make a sound

Don't throw it all away

Remember me

So tenderly

Don't let it slip away"

(maybe it should come on as the panic starts so this line comes on right as they're pulled apart?)

The narrators voice, booming deeply and in a robotic-vocoded drone begins to say, "(next person start here)

edit: This is some postmodern shit right here, I tell you what.

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"Meanwhile, back in the hood"

...The camera fades into two pairs of heels and you hear some raunchy talk of mcflurries, c0c0 puffs and bad blowjobs.

"Ladies ladies ladies, shut the fuck up and get back to work" - screams DUM

"mannnn..fuck you," C0C0 shouts back "you aint worth shit!"

"haha you aint worth shit maaaan..." repeats Corned beef, bobbing away in the alley.

DUM raises his hand to slap C0C0 but is distracted, in the corner of his eye he sees a bright yellow blur. As it gets closer he notes the sexy shape and ugly ass rims. The car comes to a screeching halt. Brad Piffery steps out and takes off his shades.

"You owe me money, man. Don't make me beat you like my wife, bitch"

DUM tears away his pants to reveal short-shorts and starts off running, showing amazing endurance, power and aerodynamics.

C0C0 and Jane are left to fend for themselves, they dont seem to mind.

Jane reaches in her bra and pulls out a ...

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The car comes to a screeching halt. Brad Piffery steps out and takes off his shades.

"You owe me money, man. Don't make me beat you like my wife, bitch"

DUM tears away his pants to reveal short-shorts and starts off running, showing amazing endurance, power and aerodynamics.

Meanwhile, back in a dilapidated apartment. Ugly flower wallpaper, circa 1992, and velvet portraits of Elvis. A thick haze of cigarette smoke hangs in the darkened room. Brad Piffery walks in through the door, sighing because it’s been a long day. A voice rings out like an icicle.

Brad Piffery’s Wife: Brad, is that you?

Brad Piffery: Yeah, it’s me.

BP Wife comes out of the bedroom, looking grim.

BP Wife: Where the hell have you been? You said you’d be home by seven. What time is it now, Brad?

BP (standing in the doorway): Aww honey, I just got held up at wo-

BP Wife (voice becoming sharper and higher): What time is it now, Brad?

BP: It’s seven…ten…

BP Wife: You’re damn right it is! I’m so tired of this bullshit!

BP Wife strides across the living room, grabs his collar. Shuts the door and pulls him inside.

BP Wife: You need to be taught a lesson, Brad.

BP (suddenly terrified, begins to struggle from the iron grip of BP wife’s claws): No, honey, no!

BP Wife (slaps Brad across the face, leaving a red outline of her hand): Don’t tell me “no,†this is the third time this month and I’m sick of it! I’m sick of you and your inability to keep your promises!

BP Wife drags a still struggling Brad into the kitchen. Camera stays in the living room, although the light from the kitchen slices into the darkness. Soon, a steady rhythm of cruel smacking is heard, the rate increasing faster and harder. A wail – presumably Brad’s – begins to sound as a stream of obscenities in a female voice matches the pace of the beating…

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

england, you are the rancher with a 700 acre farm. ocassionaly, dark cars will pull up into your land, no questions asked, leaving corpses out for the vultures in the sandy northeastern part where even you rarely venture. or perhaps things will be thrown down into the endless ravine in the southern most corner. neatly wrapped stacks of bills will appear on your doorstep afterwards. it is a silent relationship. conversely, teens trying to find a quiet place to fuck or do drugs tend to go missing or at the very best, get their tires shot. in the meantime, you raise cattle, sometimes inviting friends for a tender steak and a drink or two. these friendships, too, are mainly silent. your past is not known too well, but your isolated residence and life rarely bring it into question.

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Ha hah. Thanks.

One minor note: 700 acres is only 1 square mile. Might be a little small to hide multiple corpses on. Let's change it to 70,000.

shit, i actually meant 7000, but 70,000 sounds even better. i also want you to own chickens that occasionally wander off to the sandy northeast corner to feed. these chickens, after straying out there, lay eggs with disturbingly red yolks...

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