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why am i having the hardest time!


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i think someone asked something similar about finding certian types of vans in canada. pm canice she might know some places.

haha its a great country. just hard as fuck to find things. not only do we pay more for them, but they are so hard to come by.

like seriously, WHITE VANS ERA'S?


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how the hell can you hate canadian geography? we live in a fucking amazing country.


this is taken in K/W, an area populated by about half a million people, yet you can't see a single house or building anywhere. its all just green. sometimes we can forget how awesome we have it. you want to leave because its hard to find clothes?

(yes i realize technically he is standing on the remains of a farmhouse, but i think you understand my point here)

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i'm not so much repping k/w as defending canada...sure its boring from a certain perspective, but i take offense to canadians hating on canada...look at Boo Radley's pic of calgary. We live in a kickass country and people shouldn't be scrambling to leave.

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Canada sucks.

Seriously, once you're higher than the upper middle class status, taxes are fucking tugging onto your balls 24/7. Who needs OHIP when one makes $150k+ a year? It's only slowing the rich down to help those who aren't earning as much due to the fact that they didn't finish their education properly / just plain lazy (knowing full well there might be other selected cases where a tragedy ties in).

And what the fuck is up with insurance rates in Ontario? $7000 to be a fucking primary driver of a 335i? Fuck this shit.

It isn't all just because of the accessibility of clothing.

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Canada sucks.

Seriously, once you're higher than the upper middle class status, taxes are fucking tugging onto your balls 24/7. Who needs OHIP when one makes $150k+ a year? It's only slowing the rich down to help those who aren't earning as much due to the fact that they didn't finish their education properly / just plain lazy (knowing full well there might be other selected cases where a tragedy ties in).

And what the fuck is up with insurance rates in Ontario? $7000 to be a fucking primary driver of a 335i? Fuck this shit.

It isn't all just because of the accessibility of clothing.

dude.. you are 19 and already have made it to upper middle class? im sorry you have to pay high amounts of money to drive your luxury vehicle....

did you ever think that maybe the only reason you have such a luxurious lifestyle is because your parents have given it all to you? or that we live in such a great country of opportunity and work, that you can almost live out any dream imaginable? I myself have been raised in such a lifestyle, but i dont sit here and take it all for granted and bag on the country that has allowed it all to be.

I dont mean to start a fight, or be an ass, but you are coming off as a whiney spoiled rich kid.

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and even making 150 k a year, you may one day rely on ohip...do you realize how fucking expensive medical care is in the U.S? spend a month in a hospital and wait for the bill to come, see if that 150 covers all your expenses.

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well said booradly.

axstang, if you don't like it, you can leave, sell your car, and go somewhere that you don't hate so much.

you mean sell his parents car...

and also, dont rag on people that were "too lazy" to finish university, until you've done so yourself...

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I'm not here to argue, Booradley, but what makes you think that I don't notice that the lifestyle I'm living now isn't given from my parents. Even with that so, so what? I got life easy to start with. A large amount of the $ my parents earned wasn't even earned in Canada, but from overseas and investments out of the country, so since I was just born here, I guess that does allow me to "bag" about this country. I now work for a corporate company, which means all my income is taxed. That gives me the right to complain about taxes.

As to driving "luxury vechicles", insurance is ridiculous no matter what car you drivce. The corporate company I work for involves Home, Life and Auto insurance, so I would know. And as for the record, I pay my own car payments, thank you.

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axtsang. why dont you start going to university and you will get all your money back. thats how it works. this shitty country of ours is pushing you to go to school and in return they will give you a tax break. gee, what a shitty system....

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and i really think people should stop ragging on Canada as a terrible place to live. It's clean, people are friendly, and if ur in a major city (Van, toronto, MTL), it's still nicer than most Midwest US states/cities IMO

Canada has a good mix of urban rural, and I like being able to live in the city, but still have some peace and quiet every now and then..

what Axtsang said about insurance is bang on, those fuckers are crooks.

The taxes in general in this country ARE too high, but that doesn't change the fact that we have clean streets, good health care for FREE, fresh water etc etc..

It is hard to strike it "rich here", but i think the main problem people had with your post axtsang is because you came off sounding a little spoiled and whiney.. even though i doubt that is completly the case from meeting you

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