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The Flat Head 3001 World Tour


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So I woke up this morning to dry jeans. After putting them on I must have stared at my legs for a good five minutes before I remember to put on the rest of my clothes. The belt fits perfectly though I am not sure who made it but it definitely has some amazing wear.

The waist fits fine and although the rise is low, it is bearable. The thigh though might be a problem, all day long I could feel my leg hairs being pulled on, if this continues I am not too sure how long I will be able to wear them for :(.

Today I just went to my midterm exam which wasn't as bad as I was expecting so that was good and then I went to the rest of my classes. Afterwards I came home to find the pair of Left Fields that I bought off another member. Tried those on and while I had the jeans off I quickly snapped some detail shots.






So I plan on wearing these again for another day to see if the thighs stretch out a little but if there is anyone that was supposed to go next, speak up haha. I know benny wanted to wear them in June so someone could squeeze in a month before him if the higher powers allow it. Well here is a fit pic so I will let you guys be the judge.


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So I took the day off yesterday to clean up my apt and painted the living room and threw out some old furniture. Didn't want risk damaging the tout jeans so they were kept safe in my bookbag.


Woke up this morning had a bowl of cereal and played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood before work. Saw a lady with a Coach bag and Scooby Doo messenger and thought it was funny but picture came out blurry. Now I am at work about to start for the day. Pretty fun job, more on that later. Going to a party tonight at a friends I haven't seen in a while so looking forward to that. Decided to wear a funky shirt for Friday.





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I'd love to get in on this sometime down the road, but they might fit a little loose as I'm a 30-31 waist.../.

Either way, congrats for the tour going this long!

edit: After giving it some consideration, I'd be willing to give it a go...It might be a relaxed fit, but I think I could do it. If it's cool let me know!

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Sounds good Beatle! I guess I better start hittin' the gym and eating tons of protein haha.

August is actually perfect too because I'll be going to Outside Lands (Huge music festival in SF) So you guys can expect some good pictures and possibly video.

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hey, beatle, benny, laxlife1234,

i just dropped these off at SENY for repairs. i've decided to let these go to the next person.

beatle, benny, if it's okay with you guys that laxlife1234 can get it next. i believe he lives near NYC, so he can just pick them up in 2 weeks.

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Hey, I would really like to bring them to LA, and I think allowing them to stay in NY another month is kinda cutting it close? Also, Dioxic lives quite close to me and is going to LA on the same car as me actually. So if laxlife and beatle, you two don't mind mind, can SENY ship it to me, I'll give it to dioxic, who will mail it to laxlife eventually. That okay?

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bennnnny its fine by me if you want to get them next. I am still in school, and if I get them in the summer it would be better cause I will have better updates rather than if I am still in school doing absolutely nothing, and I will have eventually saved up enough money for a DSLR to take better photos photos than my phone.

Also I wouldn't have been able to make it to the city cause of school and finals coming up.

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