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The Flat Head 3001 World Tour


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Here's some odds & ends from the last few weeks as i prepare for the upcoming firestorm that is FWxOOE WT!


New Orleans style building in Church Hill


The other coffee shop i hang out at sometimes. Right on VCU campus. The age old battle of cwg's v. art-tits rages daily.


Kickin it with the cab. The building i'm facing is where the dance majors have classes/practice. Makes for good viewing from time to time.


A very strange mural on the east end of the city.


Street bread.


Serious soup.

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thanks my man!

ok, so here's what will probably be one of the last updates :(

so last weekend tv came up and we had a tour crossover, salaami was there briefly as well. tvshooter will have more on that in his soon to come ooe updates.

here's a bit from before the weekend.


my homie whiskey was relaxing in the sun @ the coffee spot.


fh3001's in action.


listened to some tunes.


saw some squirells.


not sure who manuel is, or why he gets his own building.


i call this "the baked potato building".


back in the day, this was a burlesque theater, later a porn theater.



here's where the band avail used to live. they had a crucifix in the backyard and stadium seats in the living room. many folks lived in the house and all sorts of shenanagins happened there over the years.

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after my pre-birthday dinner & drinking festival saturday night, tvshooter & i hopped in my ride.


we went to a local diner and breakfasted it up.





wherein we coffeed it up.


and omelets were consumed.

then we had to run my friend over to the theater/art space that was a former firehouse (the other one in town)


this is the milk bottle building across the street. used to be a bottling factory, now it's condos.


sad street candy.

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I don't want to jump in rudely, just offering if no one else steps up to the plate. I've only been following this thread for a few weeks, can someone brief me about them (size/inseam)?

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damn! that spot with the dude chasing the pig is carolina barbeque on nine mile road. that was my grandmothers favorite spot. brings tears. i laid some carpet years ago in that milk crate apts. building. i have a story to go with every pic posted. it's like i am richmond...

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I don't want to jump in rudely, just offering if no one else steps up to the plate. I've only been following this thread for a few weeks, can someone brief me about them (size/inseam)?

I think they're a size 30, and are originally a 36.3 inseam. Someone correct me if I'm wrong :x

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