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The Flat Head 3001 World Tour


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Jeans update:


The roping is beginning to look nice as well. I slipped a zippo in the coin pocket a la Ryu, and it's already a really defined fade.

sort of pointless to mention... but i just got a beautiful zippo that i wish i could keep in the coin pocket of most of my raw jeans... it just isn't convenient at all :-(

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Is there anyone who is supposed to get them in February or later who would want to switch with me? (I'm December, but with the current schedule probably more like Dec. 15 - Jan. 15)

I can do December if necessary, but I'll probably be snowboarding most of the time, which means that I can only wear them in the afternoon... so a different month would be ideal.

No way man, snowboard in them.

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If I were just riding down slopes, I would. Two seasons ago I ruined my jacket halfway into the season, so I just used two thick sweaters and a windbreaker for like a month. But I'm going touring this year. That means walking with snow to your knees half the time, and doing some of the toughest runs the country has to offer the other half.

I could tie the legs up and make a backpack out of them or something :D

Man, I'd say if you thought it wouldn't wreck the jeans, go for it!

Anyways, it's been a damn slow week here. Immediately upon getting out of the airport, I was whisked away to a restaurant near RCA run by a famous Thai singer.


This hunk o' man was apparently slim and all the rage in the '80s in Thailand. Like, top of the charts and whatnot. Turns out he's a nice guy and still has quite a voice, and the food there was delicious. Still, it was a little odd to see the usual buttoned-up 40s-ish Thai crowd pounding drinks and singing along.

The next day or so, we went out to eat again at a place near my house. It's quite literally a shack on the edge of a rice field, but the food there is delicious. Easily one of my favorite spots in the city.


Stir fried seafood with fresh pepper.


Yam salad (lemongrass, lime juice and chiles, basically) with fresh shrimp


Possibly my favorite Thai dish: Pan fried soft shell crab with black pepper.

That being done, it was a boring five or six days until I headed out to MBK shopping center, one of Bangkok's meccas for fake and legitimate goods to see what was new.


I was briefly tempted by a food cart, but all they had to offer was grilled hot dogs and unripe mango. Conversely, two of my least favorite Thai dishes.


Mahboonkrong, seven floors of replica and authentic....almost everything, and notably Tanner Lee & Na, our one good Japanese denim shop.


But all I found was the Bape. Crap.

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These are headed for Europe next right? Wish I hadda got involved, if only to test them out. Not sure if I'm thin enough to get away with them anymore, but still would like a pair after months and months of thinking about it.

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Well, I had high hopes for these before they left. Ran a quick message by Analyst to see where we could perhaps get some good photo opportunities before I sent them away to Cotton Duck. Naturally, both of our thoughts gravitated towards-


Soi Cowboy, the red-light district tucked away off of Sukhumvit Road downtown....unfortunately, I never ended up in the city at night, and my weekend was shot so I was stuck out in the edge of the city for the last ten-odd days. I did go into the city for one day to get dental surgery, but found very little that was picture-worthy. I did briefly stop to give some tourists 'culture lessons' while they were discussing something inane over why this tree:


Was planted in the middle of the sidewalk. This is probably because they built the sidewalk around the tree a long time ago. It's home to spirits. Given that it's by the side of the road, probably the spirits of people who died in vehicle accidents, if I remember correctly. Either way, you can't cut it down.


The top of Central World. Downtown Bangkok. Not sure why I took this picture, either. By this point I was light-headed on painkillers from the dentist, so the rest of the day was a bust. So that left the rest of the Bangkok tour here:


The township style place I live in. It's a nice enough spot, but as mentioned, really in the middle of nowhere. It's mostly middle to upper-middle class Thais who live here, which is why at first it was a bit startling to turn around and see:


The 'neighbors' place. These houses made of metal sheeting seem to spring up overnight, usually next to construction sites where the workers live. They're literally everywhere in Thailand. I wouldn't be surprised if these are from when they were building the township I live in. Sometimes I'll jog over here and have a drink with the mototaxi drivers. I have no idea how those guys manage to consistently do their job-they always seem wasted. So, my remaining time was left to:


Bike around the township taking pictures. Note the broken-glass 'barbed wire'. Since there's no real businesses or restaurants aside from the clubhouse in front of the township, to kill time I went to visit my neighbor who runs a restaurant of sorts out of her driveway, and drank in the rain.


Then, time was running short so I got a hold of Cotton Duck and got things ready to send him the jeans. They didn't seem to smell that bad, but I'd been wearing them for a month in Thailand, so it would have been pretty nasty to send them as-is. I threw them in the water with a dash of soap, and was faintly surprised.


Not the best picture, but I guess they were pretty filthy. So, I rinsed them out a few times and left them to dry-oddly, this denim seems to dry really quickly. Then I threw everything together and headed out the next morning to take pictures and ship the jeans....but I forgot the damn camera. So at any rate, they're on their way to the Netherlands as we speak. It was a fun time, wore the jeans to two countries, multiple cities, countless drinks, and one dentist visit. Wish I'd been able to get out a little bit more with some extra pictures, but either way I'm glad I got a chance to do this. So, next one up is one of SuperFuture's finest, Cotton Duck! Hope they get to you soon, and you can put up some wear pictures to see how they've progressed fading.

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Recieved the jeans from Largo yesterday.

I expected slim jeans, slim jeans are no problem for me.

Skinny jeans I also could've worked with for a month...

But painted on skintight....

afraid not.






I had to use some secret "privates sucking in" kungfu technique...

But seriously these are movement restrickting and I have the feeling that if I would wear them for a full day that they would simply burst open at the seams...

So with pain in my heart I'll admit that I'm afraid that I'm going to have to pass these on to either a reserve or the next in line...

I don't know where it went wrong.


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Cotton.. I think you should try and wear them for at least a few days.. but don't make any sudden movements.

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In all honesty, from those photos they don't actually look THAT tight..

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ooo... SE still has 3001's?

Mr. Conie Jeans bought the last pair we had for sale.

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I just received a package from Justiz2 that came from Malaysia, the contents of said package are top secret until the showing of the jeans next year.


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Damn Cotton, I feel your pain with those. That's how they fit me when I started out the tour and I passed them on. So I defintely understand if you want to pass them on. breaking in some jeans for a bit to get some stretch is one thing, but if you can't be relatively comfortable in them and function properly it's a whole different story.

I do think you could pull them off, but it's entirely up to you. You have my support either way.

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Things is I'd like to have a penis left after the month...

psssshhh... they are overrated... ask a feminist :D

seriously though... it is a really different look for you but i think it could work w/ a tad bit of stretching. how tall are you? cuz they look like they have either shrunk a whole lot or you are a giant.

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