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when the group split between locke and jack, locke said something about walt telling him to do things... but with this new episode, how can walt be on the island but rescued at the same time? that is, unless the others brought him back. walt seemed pretty important to ben for some reason.... just found that a little interesting.

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Was the identity of the person's funeral Jack attended in the finale of last season revealed? I heard theories that it was Michael's funeral, buuuuuut thanks to the last episode, that kind of throws it out the window.

not really, in the blowup screen cap of the obituary, it states the person is from ny and his only relative is his teenage son.

maybe the island lets michael die eventually

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^yeah dude's voice will have changed by now and shit.


what a snitch


sayid snitchin on micheal was some deep doublecrossing karma shit. this was the best episode of the season so far. they actually revealed stuff or at least made us think that.

yeah what's sayid's strategy here? he doesn't do things impulsively. and let's remember he winds up "working" for mr. benjamin linus "afterwards."

i paused on the shot of Michael's passport . . . it said the date of issuance was "00 Jul/Jul 99". WTF? or am I just being a whiney little bitch?

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^yeah dude's voice will have changed by now and shit.


yeah what's sayid's strategy here? he doesn't do things impulsively. and let's remember he winds up "working" for mr. benjamin linus "afterwards."

i paused on the shot of Michael's passport . . . it said the date of issuance was "00 Jul/Jul 99". WTF? or am I just being a whiney little bitch?

Nah it comes w/ being a fan of Lost. Random stuff like that gets noticed in hopes of it having some greater meaning.

Hey wait a second were Jack, Kate and all the beach people even in this episode? Michael took up waaaaaay too much screen time.

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Who are the people that shot Roussu and Kyle, a 4th party?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH maybe Ben wanted Rousseau and the boyfriend-whose-name-i-can't-remember to die and knew that they would be shot at! and that his daughter would be spared and/or be smart enough to snitch and save herself! maybe the Others who were already in the sanctuary had orders to kill everyone on some sort of kill list and Rousseau and boyfriend were on it.

sayid should of let micheal explain himself more and not just of told the caption because i do think that Mr. Windmore is more dangerous then Ben

yes i agree. but have we ruled out that possibility that Mr. Whitmore is working together with Ben? WAH AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's official: Sources confirm to me exclusively that Steve McPherson has signed off on Lost's extraspecial 14th hour this season, which means Lost is getting a three-hour finale! The first hour airs May 15, the second and third hours will air May 29, beginning at 9 p.m. (ABC will still air the finales of Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy on May 22, as expected, and Grey's will be two hours long.)

Word is there are so many big reveals the producers wanted to deliver this season that they felt anything less than a full three-hour finale would have cheated the fans. In fact, I'm hearing that the writers' draft for the second half of the finale was 80 pages long, which led all parties involved to realize these stories had to be told now. Anything else would have felt like a rip-off for the fans.

-e news


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