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Inferring that that the future/present was changed seeing that 'constant' entry in Daniel Faraday's (sp) journal, I got the the feeling that the writers are hinting that what we see in the flash-forwards can be changed. The flash-forwards are cool, but there is a 'spoiler' feel about them, so I think they shouldn't be taken as final.

So i'm thinking the flash-forwards are what happened after the worst-case scenario, but perhaps something like Desmond's 'time-travelling' will have a bearing on this and maybe has the chance of altering the future?

Hope I made sense lol

*I just watched Primer, erm, anyone care to explain it to me? Did the doubles go out of control??

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saw this on another site. prob means nothing but ony 3 more days till the new episode

So the 'numbers' of 4 8 15 16 23 and 42 are all retired New York Yankees numbers, and there are of course the references to the Red Sox winning the World Series, and now tonight Mr. Widmore's auction paddle is #755, which is the famous record number of career home runs that Hank Aaron finished with that Barry Bonds eclipsed this past season. I'm not saying any of this explains anything about the show, other than the fact that methinks the producers may be baseball fans--just thinking out loud here.....

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Good god that last episode was amazing. BTBAM , getdafuckouuttta dis thread, you're going to ruin it all for yourself.

it's amazing how even when he's locked in a basement, no matter what ben is in the ultimate position of power on the island. he's a fucking genius, and such a kickass character. I want to know how he roped in sayid so badly, now more than even before.

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for some reason i think mike is too obvious, like it's a red herring throwing us off the true trail. . .

John Locke's dad came back into play somehow, and I wouldn't consider it too far to stretch that maybe others from his past still have a part to play (Peggy Bundy anyone?)

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  Clopek said:
Good god that last episode was amazing. BTBAM , getdafuckouuttta dis thread, you're going to ruin it all for yourself.

it's amazing how even when he's locked in a basement, no matter what ben is in the ultimate position of power on the island. he's a fucking genius, and such a kickass character. I want to know how he roped in sayid so badly, now more than even before.

"see you at dinner guys!"


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  Magnetic said:
Ben's guy on the boat = michael?

"you may want to sit down for this.."

  Clopek said:
for some reason i think mike is too obvious, like it's a red herring throwing us off the true trail. . .

John Locke's dad came back into play somehow, and I wouldn't consider it too far to stretch that maybe others from his past still have a part to play (Peggy Bundy anyone?)

The first thought that came to mind when Ben said that was Locke's dad is on the boat. Perhaps the reason is because Locke's dad put him in a position where he would have to sit down for the rest of his life (well had the whole airplane crashing and landing on a island ordeal never happened) and Ben said "you may want to sit down for this".

Am I just trying too hard to make connections?

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wheres walt? i only saw michael...

theory was jin, sun, jack, hurley, kate sayid were the oceanic 6 since they were all on the othe side of the island when desmond pressed the button sending out the magnetic pulse throughout the island. sawyer and locke dont want to leave the island but there also on the other side. (recall the whole captured by the others and the sayid/sun/jin rescue boat plan)

guess that theory kinda got shot in the foot with jin being dead.

anyone notice the date on the tombstone, 9-22-2004...so maybe he's not really dead - maybe he's still on the island, but "dead" to the world because he's not one of the oceanic six.

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I call bullshit on Jin being dead, hes on the island. They (the Oceanic 6) all have to lie to everyone and "keep up the appearances" that everyone else is dead, but when Sun is drugged and delivering she is saying she needs to see him, and thinks he is on his way (cause she knows he is still alive). We never see Jin in a flash forward to indicate he actually died in the present... Aaron is the 6th in the Oceanic 6.

Fucking Michael... I wonder if Ben has video of him shooting Libby and is blackmailing him or something.

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^ Aaron must be included... unless Kate has a blonde kid after she gets off the island and names it Aaron :confused:

and Ben is probably working Michael as means to be able to get back with Walt, no?

Wasn't Desmond about to die or something on the ep before last with the time travel? He seemed fine last night o:

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yeah but aaron was born on the island, i think oceanic 6 refers to people who survived the plane crash, aaron was in a warm comfy placenta at the time..

Oceanic 6: Sayid, Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sun, Jin, am i missing anything? they showed every one of those 6 people in the future, off the island.

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oh true... I didn't think about Aaron being born on the island :rolleyes:

but I think Jin dies before he gets off the island, or is still on the island and doesn't make it off the island... according to his grave.

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  ExileOnMainSt said:

Oceanic 6: Sayid, Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sun, Jin, am i missing anything? they showed every one of those 6 people in the future, off the island.

When did they show Jin off the island in the present???

anyone notice the date on the tombstone, 9-22-2004...so maybe he's not really dead - maybe he's still on the island, but "dead" to the world because he's not one of the oceanic six.

He cannot be one of the 6 cause that is the date of the crash I believe.

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on last night's show, jin is hurrying to the hospital to get the panda to his boss, Sun's father, because his boss's daughter (Sun) is having a baby, he peeks in at the end and see's Sun..

But then they started with talking about how Jin is dead, i don't think Jin dies on the Island, but the presumption that he is dead could mean there is one of the oceanic 6 left to be revealed

I say in the end, everyone off the island is either working for Penny's dad or Ben

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