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jack and kate was so yesterday. its all about sawyer and kate these days.

i agree on the supernatural thing. but they also shot the jacob scene with the possibility that ben could've set everything up, and just pretended to be schizo? yeah they can try as hard as they want to try and prove that fog scientifically. I dont think i'd buy.

and still wtf to the polar bears. explain THAT.

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This episode was definitely fucking trippy...

but you know, if you look closely you can see Jacob appear for half a second during the scene :D

and yeah, Locke is in the finale.

But the most amazing thing, I think, is how the producers were able to make such a ground breaking episode from almost out of nowhere. I sure as hell didn't go into this episode expecting to see much, especially after last week...

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I dont think they're exactly going "supernatural".

Chances are that all the odd things such as the natives not aging, jacob, and polar bears will probably be attributed to the ultra-unique qualities of the island.

that is why the dharma initiative was there in the first place after all, the island is unique in many ways and to quote that dharma introductory video that ben's father was watching, "we[di] hope to study and utilize the unique qualities of the island for both the betterment of mankind and peace" or something to that general effect

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juliette said that men's sperm count was upped like 5x the normal amount... what if kate gets preggers from sawyer?? that would totally ruin her chances with jack.

unless jack is into pregger-porn, which is a possibility you can't discount.

fuck jack.

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juliette said that men's sperm count was upped like 5x the normal amount... what if kate gets preggers from sawyer?? that would totally ruin her chances with jack.

sawyer looks like he'd practice the art of skeeting. worry not i'd say.

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Last week's episode revealed that Ben's mother died after giving birth to him. And in the episode that aired two week's ago, we learned that pregnant women die shortly after giving birth on the island. Perhaps these events are just mere coincidences, but I just have a feeling there's some sort of pressing link...

EDIT: Also have to add that there are some striking similarities between Ben and Locke, particularly when it comes to their fathers. Both of them seemed to have wanted their father's attention / approval but they never got it. Moreover, Ben had to kill his father before he joined the 'Hostiles.' Ben demanded that Locke do the same before he continued on. I have a feeling that there's a deeper link between Ben and Locke and that Locke will be back one way or another.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

okay fellas, you have heard of 30 Seconds To Mars? Well, hhe time is now 2PM EST....that means 8 Hours To Gay!

I kinda have a feeling this episode is gonna be very meh, as the next one is the season finale....

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i'm looking forward to this one.

i am not looking forward to having to wait another how-ever-many-months till the start of the next season.

at least there's 24, the wire, and prison break on DVD.

Don't forget Miz, Rescue Me comes back in mid June.

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Rescue Me is very under rated, IMO. I've liked it as much as Lost and The Wire, mostly because of the wit, sarcasm and shit talking between the fire fighters. There's a lot of drama on the show too since the main character (played by Dennis Leary) is haunted by fellow fire fighters and civilians who lost their lives on 9/11.

You should check out season 1 on dvd, if you have the time. Season 4 is on starting June 12 on FX.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

yeah rescue me is aiight, ive only caught episodes here and there, its usually on past my bedtime, ill have to peep it. extended sobriety and self-imposed isolation has made me a TV fan again.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
what do you hope to achieve by being sober and isolated?

isolation helps me be sober. something i havent really been for about 15 years. The poisonous tentacles of drug-fuelled hipster nightlife are very seductive.

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