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The WTF are u doing with your life thread


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graduated college over 5 years ago. first job out of college paid shit but got my foot in the door. while i was there i got some experience, stressed out regularly, and aged. Bounced after a year. Then i went abroad on my own to do some soul searching. after 2 months abroad i didnt find what i was looking at the time. got a job offer back home. returned home and started new job. paid 50% more than previous job, better working environment, got promoted. cruised there for 2 years but company started to go under, and got a job offer from somewhere else, so i jumped ship.

been at this current job for 2 years. pays twice as much as my first job. lots of travel oppurtunity. got my own house, just got a new car. that's about it.

no big plans for the near future. time kinda blends together and flies when you get used to the working grind daily routine.

advice (based on my experience): oftentimes connections are more important than just qualifications when applying for a job. utilize that network.

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been at this current job for 2 years. pays twice as much as my first job. lots of travel oppurtunity. got my own house, just got a new car. that's about it.

no big plans for the near future. time kinda blends together and flies when you get used to the working grind daily routine.

advice (based on my experience): oftentimes connections are more important than just qualifications when applying for a job. utilize that network.

no hate.. half expected you to say "the I woke up one day and realized i'm 40"

I can testify to the connections part, i've been riding my moms coattails in my field of edu (nuclear engr) on and off for the past four years. makes me feel shitty at times but I can honestly say i pull my weight.

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no hate.. half expected you to say "the I woke up one day and realized i'm 40"

I can testify to the connections part, i've been riding my moms coattails in my field of edu (nuclear engr) on and off for the past four years. makes me feel shitty at times but I can honestly say i pull my weight.

Whatever. You can't choose who you are related to; might as well make the most of it.

My dad once gave me a great piece of advice that's essentially just "never look a gift horse in the mouth", but more directly "Never turn down an opportunity for a trivial reason".

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no hate.. half expected you to say "the I woke up one day and realized i'm 40"

I can testify to the connections part, i've been riding my moms coattails in my field of edu (nuclear engr) on and off for the past four years. makes me feel shitty at times but I can honestly say i pull my weight.

yeah man except more like "almost 30" instead of 40. your twenties can go by fast, enjoy it while it lasts. i think its ok to not know what to do right out of college, as long as you eventually find your direction. Then just make sure every step you take progresses you towards that direction. its hard to get a job right away that is exactly what you want to do. u gotta get your feet wet in that field first, might have to do some bitch work. but keep a good work ethic and you'll figure it out.

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So I've been spending my past 3 months looking for a job, dun have much of a network so I'm left with looking for a job on my own.

3 weeks ago, I went to an interview for a IT consulting company, it was the kind of job I was looking for, as a software development consultant.

During the in person interview, the interview told me that he needs extra employees for a new project that they MIGHT be getting (if they agree with the outsourcer company). So they didn't say anything about going to hire me or not, or may require later interviews.

Last week, I saw the same company post a job, with similar description (c# instead of java). So I'm guessing I didn't make the cut.

Should I email the HR contact (who told me to email him back after the interview, which i did, but no response from him) about another chance for interview/job availability, saying how I really want to work for them and would do my best n stuff?? (Or is it inappropriate to do such a thing?)

edit: I was thinking, If i should call the company and look for the interviewer, and talk to him directly? (the HR person is just the middle man anyways)

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At the moment, looking for graphic design internship in san francisco that ISNT web. Not going too well...

such a pain in the ass, just about every graphic design position wants to tag web developer onto that title as well, i don't fuck with web too much, and definitely would not want to work with CSS/HTML eight hours a day.

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Two months from now, I hope to have a new job, new apartment, and renewal of ambition in a city 430 miles away. Can't wait to get out of rural IL and (back) into Minneapolis, but too bad all my connections to places in TC metro don't need any more employees and all my relatives have tiny apartments.

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trying my best not to get kicked out by my parents... i think i'm about to hit rock bottom. i hope i can avoid that, need to stop being such a lazy son

I am of the opinion that you cannot be a fully developed person until you've moved out of your parents' house. Try it; the outside world is not that bad. Unless you are still in High School, then take out the trash once in a while.

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moving to nyc in a week. bout to show yall how the south do it

congrats on the move!

i have 1 swanga rim you can put up on ur wall. be pokin at all times.

wtf am i doin: kicked out of uni. only thing left to do is drop acid on the regular and hope for the best

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I'm finishing my summer-long contract as an editor for production company and do NOT want to go back to working non film-related-jobs. I also am taking a year off university and don't want to fall off the wagon entirely and be a lazy woodland bum.

I might either

a) Return to my hometown to run a single screen arthouse theatre over the winter with a shitload of young female aboriginal business grants (metis power).


B) Stay in Vancouver and start pushing my production company and doing corporate videos and government contracts.

please follow your dreams and do whichever has the least corporate office environment part


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- Quit job in construction management with plans of returning to school to finish my BA and pursue my MArch

- Opted against school at the last minute

- Took a year-long sabbatical

- Looking to return to construction management to accrue capital for a couple years and then hoping to start up a small design/build residential company

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Finished interning at a film production company that did some cool movies (the ring, the departed, etc.)

In the fall I'm interning for Fox and at Opening Ceremony for shits and giggles. School is just getting in the way at this point. Bright side is that I'm taking a class on being about talent representation (ugh) at CAA (ooh!).

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sounds dope tyang.

i signed up for a computer systems technology course and i'm on the wait list for next year, before then i plan to pay off my CC debt and save up a bit of money. after 4 years of living on my own my little brother moved from my mom's to my dad's, so i was able to move back into my mom's, which will make paying off the debt and saving 10x easier.

CST seems kind of dry and maybe boring, but its something that i feel i'll be able to do well and I won't have to suffer trying to find work after i graduate. plus its only a 2 year course, which is good.

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right now

i'm sitting in training as IT back up for the new ERP system we're implementing in my company

but by education, i'm a CMA

and currently studying for my GMAT (looking to start MBA in May)

then after i'll do my CIA

9 letters after my name (for now) is what i want by the time I'm 30.

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and currently studying for my GMAT (looking to start MBA in May)

eff the GMAT, i'm going to take it in october. i'm only studying verbal right now and loving it, but i'm dreading the quant.

praying i get a high enough score to land me in a top 10 school so i can get my masters in accounting and be a cpa.

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I interned then freelanced at 72andSunny in LA as a art director/designer.

My contract ended.

Ive been doing private label tshirt lines for target/urbanoutfiters/macys/ect... for the past year and half, watching my skill set diminish, and the door closing on possibilities in the agency world.

fuuuuu i need change. just sent my book to W+K portland

watdo now?

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eff the GMAT, i'm going to take it in october. i'm only studying verbal right now and loving it, but i'm dreading the quant.

praying i get a high enough score to land me in a top 10 school so i can get my masters in accounting and be a cpa.

that can lead to the CPA?

can't you just take the path through an audit firm?

(in Canada the process is different.......)

and the quant is the easy part. the verbal isn't all that bad either

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that can lead to the CPA?

can't you just take the path through an audit firm?

(in Canada the process is different.......)

and the quant is the easy part. the verbal isn't all that bad either

depends on the state. Delaware(which is where I'm doing my CPA) only requires an additional 30 credits of accounting classes. You're better off taking the courses that lead to a masters degree anyways, just because the FAR section is fucking brutal, and having a masters + CPA means a jump in salary that is not negligible.

Not to mention it's like the easiest path from there to a Finance MBA since you are already aware of accounting methods, laws and regulations, etc.

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