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quitting smoking


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been smoking for two years prior to a week ago today

havent bought a pack, but all my friends smoke, so its inevitable that i end up bumming one from them

its weird...i stopped for 6 months because i smoked a super old cigarette (unknowingly) and i threw up more than a few times...but even after 6 months my jonesing for a stoge was still there...damn you tobacco

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It's been 3 months, i think. I'm young (18), and with the scene i am in it isn't a surprise to me that i smoked for 3 years constantly. Being a runner, i didn't think it was harming me because i was always able to keep my stability. Yet, now that i don't smoke...I don't know what it is, but i feel as though i am doing much better with this hobby of mine. Not only that, but i influenced my girlfriend in quitting also.

Sometimes i miss having a cig with coffee while talking with my girl, or even drinking wine and smoking with my friends. Yet, my girlfriend and i are living proof that not only is it possible, but that breaking the habit doesn't interrupt your social life or chance your persona in any way.

My clothes smell better also, haha.

And my car :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

after 3 months i think your in the clear julian,way to go...i myself had a test of strength the other night when i went to see Justice at a bar,you can still smoke in chicago, and my nerves were WRACKED!!! i wanted to give in just to ease up,but i didnt cave,and im going on four weeks now i think...word......oh,and to all the indifferent people who posted on here,or who are trying to promote smoking 'quitting is for quitters'...are you serious?grow up..

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you just do it, I stopped for 3yrs, and then went back and started again because some serious shit went down in my life, and now once again after several months i am trying again to quit, shit is so seriously addictive that light headed rush you get after not having one for a long time...its ridiculous.

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Have smoked for 12 years, am currently in this slow process of quitting as of last week. I started wearing the 60mg release patches last Wednesday, but still ended up smoking a few ultra-lights per day whilst. I'm hoping I can cut that out by the middle of this week, wearing only the patch for like 6-8 more weeks in progressive doses, while I get my oral fixation and the 'just woke up/ate/am bored and need a smoke' under control.

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i have been stopping and restarting for a long while but the best advise i have is that you'll never b able to quit unless you really want to...also if you can make it past the first week your past the physical addiction! (and stuck on the psych...)

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  • 3 months later...

been a week since i have smoked a ciggy, thanks to chantix. it works pretty well. you can be a hardcore smoker and by the second week you wont crave any ciggs. also you can smoke ciggs while taking it during the 1st week which is kinda cool cuz then you can tell someone you quit smoking and pull out a cig and light it up. the look on their face is cluless and priceless.

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i stopped smoking by my own choice... used to smoke around 5-10 a day.. anyways, i smoke bud every day and i started getting these weird trips where i had this negative mindstate and i looked back on my life and realized that smoking was stupid. plus after smoking bud, i couldn't even finish a cigarette... i'm pretty much stoned for all of my free time... i get off work smoke a bowl or a blunt and thats my day so i'm not really in the mood for a cigarette...

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  red said:
what exactly do you get out of smoking anyways? besides the taste and smell, cigarettes had absolutely nothing to offer me.


i've always thought the smell was terrible.

some deluded kids told me that smoking was good for you.

i've seen them ask other people for a ciggy and a lighter, a sad case no doubt.

what's up with youths and smoking as well?

i was going home from the city because i live in a suburban area, and as i got off the station and walked to the crossing, there were these group of kids. sudanese kids. fresh from sudan (as in, they were real 'fobs'). when i mean kids, i'm sayin' kids - they varied in age, about 7-12 years old.

basically, every kid had a cigarette, tryin' to looking all badass at 7:30pm pitch black (melbourne's streets close at 5:00pm, pitch black due to winter, and the area i live in is notorious for immigrants, drugs, weapons and whatsayyounot... eg 'asians who think they're crips' and 'black people who think they're crips' and 'the somoan population that only knows how to eat and take up two seats in the train', so you know you should be locked indoors before 6:00pm).

and i was standing there, wondering to myself... what the fuck is wrong with these kids? haven't they got books to read or some shit?

i bet if i asked them to add three numbers they'd probably reply

'hey fuckface, i can count 1 2 3 4 6 8, mother fucker!'

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I quit 1 1/2 years ago after smoking for 7 years. Nicotine chewing cum for about 3 months and then cold turkey. I think succesfully quitting was entirely a mental thing: I had decided the day i would quit a month or so earlier and then just prepared myself mentally for it. Never really had a problem with withdrawal after that.

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  Originatek said:
its my second week after smoking for 6 years and quitting once before for 11months....anyone else quit recently or trying to?

i started smoking when i was 16. stopped for a little while when i was 18 and took up dip. at 19, i stopped dip started smoking again and eventually went up to 3 packs of reds a day. i decided this was too much, so i went on the nicoderm patches for a couple of months. worked for 6 months. then one night i got really drunk at a party, bummed a cigarette off of someone, and started smoking again to this day. recently ive decided to quit smoking and take up dip again. but ill have an occasional pack of smokes when im chillin at the bar or walking around the city: i dont dip in public, unless im at my friends house or something.

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started at 18

half a pack a day through college

quit for six months

couple smokes a day and then heavy when drinking for a couple years after that

quit cold in oct

i tell myself i may go back to the occasional puff while drinking, but that way lies madness...

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kinda like bona drag...started at 18 and was smoking over a pack a day for 3 years. i quit cold a month ago because my girlfriend & mom offered me cash for every week i didnt smoke ...hah. i sincerly miss smoking and ive near sworn to myself that i'll start again before the year is up but i know im ahead right now..

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