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my initial instict to dismiss the movie as such has been replaced by morbid curiousity

"Shoot the wings off these flys" "Curve this bullet around my head" getting swooped into a viper at 120 mph without shattering your fucking knee-caps. If it was meant to be some non-realistic Matrix/Jet Li shit I could forgive it, but it actually portrays this stuff as feasible.

The only thing that could have made this movie any worse would be Samuel L. Jackson playing Morgan Freeman's role.

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If it was meant to be some non-realistic Matrix/Jet Li shit I could forgive it, but it actually portrays this stuff as feasible.

How does it portray it to be feasible as opposed to Matrix et al obviously portraying itself to be non-realistic? May be a fine line but I think they're doing it the same way. It's source material is a graphic novel after all.

I honestly don't think the Wanted crew are taking themself that seriously, it's of the 'summer blockbuster' variety like other stupid movies. Anywho, while i wasn't looking forward to it, the wave of positive reviews changed my mind.

Choke looks alright too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"The Fall" was really enjoyable. Beautiful cinematography and set design... very surreal. An excellent film for nodding on opiates.


The Fall was good, but I liked it better when it was called The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

Cannot wait to go see Wall-E. Am I a grown-up? Whatever, robahts are kool.

I enjoyed. The little kid behind me had to leave halfway through cause it was too scary :rolleyes:

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Watchmen Trailer...

not sure if anyone has posted this yet....but this looks incredible...

Holy shit. You know despite everything it still freaks me out that this film finally got made. I so want this movie to be good. Although even if it is good, it still will not be a real Watchmen movie, just one that looks a lot like it.

Snyder is good at making the characters look badass, except the whole point of Watchmen was that the superheroes were ultimately human and pathetic. I see he is going heavy on the slo-mo again, not sure that is right for Watchmen. I'm not even a hater and thought 300 was a great adaptation of the comic, but I'm not sure what to think of this.

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This is perfect for the Watchmen. Moore made it a point to show how absolutely badass these guys were even though they were just human. They were at the peak of human performance and when they were fighting crime they did appear as super humans. Hist style of directing is exactly what you need in a quasi real comic movie.

Tell me you didnt get goosebumps when Ozy completely fucking destroys Ror with the lamp. That was one of the most amazing scenes Ive ever witness and it was only a short clip.

Doc Manhattan looks amazing. The Comedian looks like a spitting image. Him being thrown out of the window looks spectacular. Night Owl....ARGH ITS SO GOOD.

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^^ You might want to try reading it again. My take on Watchmen is the complete opposite of what you just described and I'm sure others would agree.

I think you might be missing something. Or misunderstanding me.

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"...Young adventures named Ozymandias, who seemed to have quickly gained a reuptation amonst the criminal ftaernity for his boundless and implacable intelligence, not to mention a large degree of atheletic prowess."

I believe there was also a few pages dedicated to showing Veidts training and him in the Olympics or something. I also remember a few pages of Hollis destroying a groupo of criminals during holloween. Then theres the section about how Jupiter made her daughter train since she was a youn girl.

But these are all things that normal every day humans do and are not in anyway extraordinary. Yes?

Im not saying they were X-men, just that they were more than average and the movie shows that. Even if the only reason they appeared to be more than human (to those that opposed them) is because they were more driven.

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Yea, but all that was in the past, their glory days. When we see the characters in the present, they are all pretty pathetic. Moore was trying to show that while they once were pretty bad ass, they now live sad lives.

Night Owl is fat and lonely.

Rorschach is just completely fucked up and has been ever since that incident with the little girl.

Doc Manhattan can't seem to connect with people.

Laurie has serious mommy issues.

Hollis is an old man that no one gives a shit about anymore.

Ozy, well that's obvious.

Yes, they once were super cool crime fighters but what Moore was trying to show is that they're washed up. No one cared about them anymore. There's even a bunch of time where we see Night Owl gasping for breath after a fight.

It's just a trailer so all that might still be in there. But I think they should've kept Night Owl fat and old.

As for Zack Snyder directing. He'll probably make a really visually appealing movie, but it will most likely be all style and no substance. The sets, costumes, etc. look pretty fucking dope though.

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