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Ripped off by Superfuture member: HYPEBITCH


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I got ripped by an ebayer with 0 feedback before. Took my money the minute i sent it to him and flaked. I still got $200 back from paypal

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Get your mind outta the gutter for a sec, we need to get my money back remember?

Well first off it's not very nice to be so rude to people you're asking to help you out, jeez.

And second--

This is how he looks like.....Mexicans....:


Fucking look at this guy!! It looks like karma already buttfucked him dude.. I don't think there's much more we can do to him that the world already hasn't with that face.

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someone explain to me how this kid looks mexican to BTT? if anyone can explain that to me and convince me that BTT made an honest mistake, i swear i won't kill him for jumping the gun and angering my instincts.

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someone explain to me how this kid looks mexican to BTT? if anyone can explain that to me and convince me that BTT made an honest mistake, i swear i won't kill him for jumping the gun and angering my instincts.

Getting angry over me calling a kid a mexican? :confused: WTF?

The second picture, I thought it was a joke, I thought he just googled a picture of group of cambodians about to smoke some crack, but the first picture he looks like Mexican.

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MOVING FORWARD - How do I get Paypal to refund my money without anything in his account? It's illegal for them to into his personal bank account unless I paid with a credit card and filed a chargeback. I have a bit of experience with Paypal...

Hate to break it to you, but you are being kind of a dick.

Anyways, I had a guy who won an auction and paid me for a pair of jeans; I then sent them to him. Shortly after, I cleared out my Paypal account (as I always do once a month). Needless to say, the little fuck lied and said he never got the jeans, filed with Paypal and Paypal took the liberty of dipping directly into my bank account and taking the money out. This was two years ago, so things may have changed, but needless to say, I don't think you need any money in your Paypal account for them to take money from you.

Also, that kid does look VERY Mexican.

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Paypal cannot go into your personal bank account to recover funds. If you don't believe me call them.

ps. you always this sensitive englandmj7?

Come again? 'This sensitive'? Where is the sensitivity in pointing out that you're a dick and then going on to offer some input?

You're the one who tried to negative rep me because I made fun of your ugly gold boots...........;)

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You guys should all get together and start a "Victims of Wildcat" forum where you can all sit in a circle and share stories of how I ruined your lives. How's that for worse?

Don't kid yourself. You are an insignificant member of a fashion forum, and I am pretty sure no one gives two shits about what you have to say. People are simply pointing out to you that if you ever require advice/aid from SFers in the future, they will be less inclined to help if you are a dick.

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You guys should all get together and start a "Victims of Wildcat" forum where you can all sit in a circle and share stories of how I ruined your lives. How's that for worse?

see, you never fail. i'll be sharing stories about your posts while you wait for that refund. how does that sound?

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If I'm so insignificant then stop responding to my posts you psycho. I'm sick and tired of you following me around on this forum and trying to talk trash. Just don't respond to this at all and thanks for the negative reputation because you got your feelings hurt.

Ha hahah. You're so goddamn sensitive.

I make ONE post saying that you're asking price on some whack boots is absurd, and even THEN I had the courtesy to delete it out of kindness. Today, I make one comment relating to your plight and also mention that I too, feel that you are being a dick and all of a sudden I am "following you" and "talking trash".

Uh, alright there dude.

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Guest youngteam
I make ONE post saying that you're asking price on some whack boots is absurd, and even THEN I had the courtesy to delete it out of kindness.

a voluntary deletion of an insulting post ... craziest fucking thing i've ever heard.

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Done crying? Seriously, stop following me around and posting your garbage in my threads, it just makes you look bad in the end. Try contributing first next time before talking shit to complete strangers. And thanks for the negative rep kid.



Hey Wildcat:

Fuck you.

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Guest youngteam

i don't know who either englandmj7 or wildcat is, but i'm going to join in on making wildcat fucking miserable just because it's something to do.

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I actually got in touch with HYPEBITCH and he is down too.

thats pretty funny

but you guys, lay off wildcat will ya? isnt he supposed to be the good guy here? even if he did act a little like a dick, i think englandmj7 is in alliance with hypebitch. hypebitch: "lets use some chicano psychology and turn the hatred towards wildcat or....... ENGLANDMJ7 COULD BE HYPEBITCH. NO SHIT

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there must have been some kind of mistake.

MHO is very reliable, and although i am aware that many people on hypebeast don't like him cuz he says stupid and funny shit constantly, he was always reliable, you may actually have to consider that he sent you the jeans without tracking number or insurance and someone may have stolen it somewhere between his post office and your home.

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