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philly hardcore saved my life

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ddml, I didn't know any of those bands personally, and I don't think I even saw Prema live. But my friend owned their albums... pebble? And we both dug 'em. Then again, he was always more into the Shelter/108 stuff way more than me. I mostly liked 108's killer riffs.


I think the first records I bought were Violent Society "You're Gonna Fall" and the first Boils 7" (on red vinyl). At a store on South Street that no longer exists. Near the gum tree. Used to sell bootleg-ish vids of Troc shows.

In the early 90s I was waaay more into punk rock than hardcore, to be honest. And I went to a lot if Sean Ardmore's ska shows.

It's funny there's so many HC refugees here... In the end, I guess it was all about fashion...

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im surprised nobody mentioned kid dynamite..a little later than most bands mentioned above... circa 1998, 99.

by the time kid dynamite rolled on the scene, philly scene was close to dead w/ stalag closed and shows being shut down.

shoreman, that suburban voice 7" has the halflings on it too! ha

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DISSUCKS were probably the best thing to come out of philly.

I'm not gonna lie Poly, I had my doubts about you. In retrospect, I think its was because your an arrogant oppinionated asshole like me. But after you repped me with your "poetry" comment (even though it could be a sly backhand), my heart began to soften.

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I'm not gonna lie Poly, I had my doubts about you. In retrospect, I think its was because your an arrogant oppinionated asshole like me. But after you repped me with your "poetry" comment (even though it could be a sly backhand), my heart began to soften.

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ha, thanks raised, i think that first asshole response i gave you when you first registered might have left a bad taste...sorry bout that.

but yeah, I saw dissucks so many fucking times. They were the first band I saw with 2 vocalists. Then Jay got kicked out. I used to listen to their 1st 7" all the time when I still had a record player..."Grey skies, grey lives, grey colored buildings for me to fix my eyes" still really hits me. Andrew said that he was planning on releasing a discography CD which would be awesome as the only thing they did on CD was Punks in pampers on the punk uprisings comp. Would love to hear those songs again. It's been a while. I still have their demo tape around somewhere too. I recently read that Jay died..which is sad....glad someone else knows of dissucks, truely an overlooked band in the mid/late 90's hardcore scene, you rep you for just know RBW, but I just did...

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did any of you get to see Ink and Dagger? bump for junkie vampires

around the time i was getten into em (97), i moved outta cherry hill and down souf.

i saw ink and dagger a long time ago. grossly overrated band in my opinion. while their their antics were ahead of their time, it never really made up for the mediocre music. And with sean's death, it became a sort of Nirvana syndrome where everyone all of a sudden loved ink and dagger.

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