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Honesty IS the best policy (tell people how much you <3 them)


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  junglejane said:

as a token of my gratitude, i'll give you both free tickets to the lube-wrestling event i'm hosting. main event: free-for-all between me, keri and tg. be there or be square. now, who else has me on their list?

you're on a personal list i keep scrawled on parchment under my pillow.

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  junglejane said:

as a token of my gratitude, i'll give you both free tickets to the lube-wrestling event i'm hosting. main event: free-for-all between me, keri and tg. be there or be square. now, who else has me on their list?

PM sent...

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there are so many members that i get enjoyment from posts and pics...i have so much love for so many people here...

b i z z y- seriously...i love her

tangerine- a good friend and a good guy...there for me even when i wont naked chat him

kixslf.- doing his own thing the whole time...it is easy to see why he gets the ladies..

minya- cracks me up... respect for cleaning this place up..

tip- another funny guy...so much work put into superdenim...this man knows the board better than anyone

chard- honestly the nicest guy...humble kind...funny..stylish...the MAN

cheap- made me want to improve my pics...has a way of making me know what is important...

ddml- they way he posts is always top notch...the bumps and deletions if a topic is relevant...i have a huge amount of respect...

cult- a man after my own heart...

the people i have shamelessly bitten style off...Milspex, dark,t -money...

all my fav waywt posters...slowly getting them all in another thread...

the old superchat crew...i miss you all..they were good times...itwas esp nice to meet mas at SE...good guy..

all the bay area crew...even the hella mint guy...so nice to make all these people real...

there is no one on this board that i dont get somthing from...

spread the love

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  junglejane said:

as a token of my gratitude, i'll give you both free tickets to the lube-wrestling event i'm hosting. main event: free-for-all between me, keri and tg. be there or be square. now, who else has me on their list?


also, will there be a four-way wrestle amongst you, keri, tg, and canice?

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I think everyone who hasn't done a mass sufu meet up should. My experience with the SFSE party was that everyone seemed to mesh very well together.

I think after that I enjoyed the forum a lot more--being able to reference a poster to their personality from when I met them made the experience a lot closer and more enriching. So sometimes I think my addiction really stemmed from the SFSE shindig.

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feel good thread of the year :o

i feel like ive learned so much from so many since i started lurking here

i appreciate the frank and irreverent conversations too

im too bashful to namedrop, but theres a special place in my heart for all the trashers, the people whose waywts i swoon over, the former chatcreator crew, and everyone thats ever offerred help (from denim to diy futon)

i feel like stalkers help me delve deeper into my existing interests while discovering new ones all the time

now if youd excuse me, i need to do some pullups or something because that left me pretty immasculated

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Guest youngteam

youngteam -- your collection of top hats and monocles is unparalleled, and your general knowledge of men's accessories would make alan flusser want to coldcock himself in the testicles. in general, you make me feel like the best version of me whenever i'm around me.

also i like canice because she reminds me of a girl i knew when i lived in toronto. the rest of you can go fuck yourselves.

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I dunno if it's been said, but fade to black deserves recognition for being, in my opinion of the better critiquers of fashion on here. He's got a wealth of knowledge and I respect his interpretations of all the runway shows / collections that have been posted in Superfashion recently. Really admirable.

/end circlejerk

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  goldengloves said:
I love everyone. Each person here provides something whether it be knowledge, advice, or humor.

goldengloves is a sharp fellow, always well behaving too. plus he seems to have good style too.

same goes for nairb, good sense of style and appears to be a very nice guy


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So let me get in on this too ::ahem::

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, I'm out.

Just kidding. Seriously, love alot of people on the board... this list of mine is gonna be long and I'm gonna have to keep adding to it over time. AND I'm saving the people I met IRL for last cuz those're some crazy memories that'll stay with me.

Fade2Black - Aside from being entertainingly crazy AND level headed at the same time. You're like chaos and order united in fashion and superfuturegeekdom. I wish you many props, less online-wasted time and a career equaling that to a hip hop icon.

Bill, why haven't we met up yet? You got what it seems to be a unique style for L.A. to me (maybe I spend too much time in the West part of the city) but somehow it looks consistent, there's confidence there so it leads me to believe that it's in context with the life that you live. It would be awesome if we could organize a true-blue superfuture L.A. meetup.

Red and Berg, change your name to the WTF? crew. You are both the new lords of the supertrash thread.

To whoever started the fashion-subthread... thank you, I now have no need to ever visit stylezeitgeist again.

TG can kiss ass... can't believe she tried to pull away from superfuture :( Thought she was smart enough to know that you can't stop the rain from falling... Don't ever leave us again!

Seraphim and Spike, the fact that the asian in this relationship is the guy is enough for me to give props. The fact that the girl posts more than you goes straight back to stereotypes though ^_^

Jeremy, you've been caught trollin' dirty ALOT lately. Ever since the SFXSE you've quickly developed into such an entertainingly precocious sufu-er. No matter how insulting you get to some people you'll always be cool with me and the rest of the elitist san francisco crew :D

Chard is the most levelheaded streetwear I know. I think he's the only one who'll look cool wearing that stuff in 5 years to me. Very lasting style. I dig our AIM sessions yo.

Digidenim! You're like my superfuture big bro, the cool one. Dismalfuture, you're like the superfuture brother that is having a better time than I, inspiring an amazing jealousy within me.

JJ I love hearing your voice. Ditto for rirawin.

Ayn and Korean Chris who never looks like himself... for being so pervy that I look/feel normal in comparison.

THE one and only Chris, you have the best 'tude on here man. I always look forward to the ease in which you shut down your naysayers and haters.

Diamonds... for looking so effeminate that one time, that it caused my friend to hail you as one of his topmost fave of the sufu girls... Man that was hilarious. Seriously though you look hawt. Watch out for the bros.

DigiDamon, everytime I see your picture you make me wanna be a manurse.

Carl and Kix... I seriously miss you guys. Seriously. nohomo.

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oh what the hell, bandwagons are fun.

fadetoblack2 - you know what, I oddly really like talking to you, especially when you get all angry because I talk shit. It's like annoying an older relative or something.

sidneylo - you're adorable, and since I've not been on skype for a while I've actually missed hearing 'whattawhattaupya'll!' every five seconds

digital_denim - well, yeah, everyone was expecting this. You have super powers, including invisibility, which is awesome. oh and, I wish you weren't married :D

canice - I'm a fangirl, it's sad, but true.

everyone else - you're all great people, lovelovehippieloveetc, even the ones who annoy me with their bland waywts and shit jokes

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