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People hating on you for being into fashion?


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Hey, I'm new here!

Been lurking around for a month or two. The waywt thread is awesome!

Anyways, have people ever given you wierd vibes? or kinda make fun of you for being into fashion?

Man, i get that shit all the time! To make matters worse, I am not that much into cars. Shit. I would never hear the end of it. My friends drop 50 000$ on cars easy! (what is it about being asian and liking cars!? i'm asian... yet... im just okay with cars) and they give me shit for being a little too enthusiastic in clothing stores.

I mean, i know a couple of guys who are infact into fashion, but also into cars as well. It is as if i get looked down upon for not liking cars... blah

A girl i know once told me.... "You know.... its supposed to be like this: girls like shopping and guys like cars". Grrr

Meh, just ranting....

Would love to hear what you guys think of this.

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Dont get me wrong, I like cars.... but just not to their extreme. I am not too fond of dying in a car crash. The youth and their stupidity.

I just hate the fact that just because i dont share some of their enthusiasm.... I am automatically a pussy.

The fact that I like to dress well only adds to it you know?

And, my friends are actually into exotics. Their getting some soon....

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And, my friends are actually into exotics. Their getting some soon....

Yeah, I was just stereotyping, not that this has been done in this thread before.

One aspect of the Asian car scene that I cant hate on:



chromesquared, i don't think you understand the difference between an idiot and someone who is whimsically over the top. e.g. the difference between jeezy and liberace.

Im half fuckin around, I know the difference and I know that there are some respectable imports out there.

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I highly suspect that your problem isn't because you dress well but your attitude towards the situation. You're need for validation and acceptance seems to creep up on this thread alone. I firmly believe men in this day and age need to have basic knowledge/skills in a few basic topics: Sports, either basketball, baseball, or football, cars, drinks/wine/beer & cuisine, and women. Seems guys are getting way too feminine and as a result of dressing well, they get labeled as "pussies". Also, get a hot girlfriend if you don't have one. Once they see you pulling in chicks, changing your attitude, and showing you know a thing or two about cars, they'll start looking at you as the alpha male and will stop giving you shit about how you dress.

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Hah? You just completely contradict yourself.

I agree with the first part of your argument. Indeed, men has become too feminine in this day and age. But in all seriousness, does being masculine only equate to liking cars?

You are telling me to do more research about cars and whatnot so i will earn respect? Does that not cry "I need validation!"?

I am confused.

Dont hate, i am just asking.

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But in all seriousness, does being masculine only equate to liking cars?


You are telling me to do more research about cars and whatnot so i will earn respect?


Does that not cry "I need validation!"?

No, all men should like cars.

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If you dont like cars then you dont like them. Tell your friends to go fuck themselves if they give you shit about it. If they cant relate to you in any other way than by beasting about cars do you really give a fuck about what they think anyway? I used to be a total gear head, but that shit gets old real fast; although, I guess I do still like cars.

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I think it's the overall image you project that they hate on, not the fact that you don't like cars enough or are into fashion.

I mostly agree with what rajio said, men are becoming pussies. It's fucking annoying... Please dress well, but don't go making a huge deal out of it, ok? It's not the meaning of life...

Here's a test: go to men.style.com and read the forums, if you approach clothes with a similar attitude you're a pussy.

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^ If I'm ever supposed to contribute to beautifying the human race, I better get on that "impregnate white women and leave them" tip Selegna was on about... jesus christ

Since we are kind of talking about cars in this thread (well not really but we will now), I was digging through the internet recently and found this. Does anyone recognize the sheer magnificence of this besides myself (and the (ex) owner of this car, who is also a SuFu'er)??? This is to import cars what thomas highstreet is to SF...


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This is to import cars what thomas highstreet is to SF...

Ahh, the classic Integra. Does anyone else wish that Honda brought back the prelude? That was seriously one of the pimpest cars ever just as stock...:rolleyes:


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You guys aren't thinking far back enough here, or never knew to begin with ;) We're talking 1997, 1998, 1999... something tiiiiiite.... barn jackets, timberland, zero fades/asian flat tops, blasting some Tupac in the GS-R off your Alpine CD deck and rolling on the freeway, fuck, I feel old now if you guys aren't understanding this.

Anyhow, to call that GS-R thomas highstreet was too light; still trying to come up with the analogy for this, and seeing if anyone but me remembers. :(

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Dis. I know what your talking about. I used to do this with my bros going to Long Beach all the time. Nothing but Tupac or Bone-Thugs. Mugen aftermarkets. City of industry illegal races. That was the life....

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God I miss driving. Hardly worth paying the road tax, fuel tax and insurance when you live in one of the easiest cities to get around in the UK. From here I could race someone in a car to the town centre and probably get there by the time they've parked.

OK, when I said "easy to get around", I meant "via any method of transport that isn't a car".

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It was definitely better times when you'd blow that month's paycheck from your slop-ass part-time job on some gleaming aftermarket piece for your Honda, straight from Japan, that no one else in the country had or heard of (except for the guy above)... nowadays, buying 5 pairs of Nikes and matching your hat to your t-shirt just pales in comparison...

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