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the "ask an asian" thread.


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A Chinese friend of mine hates how some Taiwanese claim to be from their own country. I sorta agree with him. "You're goddamn Chinese, and you do not have your own country." Last time I checked, Taiwan's a Republic of China, right?

Taiwan's the Republic of China, the mainland is the People's Republic of China, 2 completely different things (and country, read wiki if you are interested). Right now, Taiwan have their own passport, currency, military, foreign policy and control sovereignty over their territory so it pretty much fill the definition of a country. Taiwan's future is entirely in the hand of the taiwanese, as the right to self-determination is a basic human right included in the UN universal charter of human rights, which China signed btw. the fact that a large proportion of taiwanese are ethnic han chinese as nothing to do with the fact that they are a country or not as it's undeniable that they are culturally different from the mainlanders.

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Why do people from China add an "ER" after every word? Just to tell anybody that does speak Mandarin with an ER, that it is irritating as hell and Taiwanese people laugh at you when you are not around. Not just that, Taiwanese people ALWAYS talks shit about people from China. Whenever, someone is driving horrible, my parents always say "Must be from China" and when we look. The person is from China and do you know how people can tell? Because China people have the most fucked up fashion sense. Bright Yellow Windbreaker, Red Visor Cap with the drop down shade, and then with the white capris cuffed up.

And Hong Kong, Tibet, Mongolia, Japan, Africa, Taiwan are not part of China. Fuck China. Just because nobody wants to be part of a dirty communist regime whos people smell like cat piss and mothballs; China has to make some big ass ordeal that they claim all the countries


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Why do people from China add an "ER" after every word? Just to tell anybody that does speak Mandarin with an ER, that it is irritating as hell and Taiwanese people laugh at you when you are not around. Not just that, Taiwanese people ALWAYS talks shit about people from China. Whenever, someone is driving horrible, my parents always say "Must be from China" and when we look. The person is from China and do you know how people can tell? Because China people have the most fucked up fashion sense. Bright Yellow Windbreaker, Red Visor Cap with the drop down shade, and then with the white capris cuffed up.

And Hong Kong, Tibet, Mongolia, Japan, Africa, Taiwan are not part of China. Fuck China. Just because nobody wants to be part of a dirty communist regime whos people smell like cat piss and mothballs; China has to make some big ass ordeal that they claim all the countries


The R sound is only common for people from the North.

Many mainlander Chinese people regard Taiwanese people as unrefined and provincial.

Your naive observations are trifles at best.

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this chinese guy i know who dated a korean sold his rsx and got a hyundai. this guy never watched a game of football in his life but somehow got into this huge argument with me over the korea/italy match during 02.

also the thing about koreans thinking 'black people' stole their style from koreans is not a myth.

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Why do people from China add an "ER" after every word? Just to tell anybody that does speak Mandarin with an ER, that it is irritating as hell and Taiwanese people laugh at you when you are not around. Not just that, Taiwanese people ALWAYS talks shit about people from China. Whenever, someone is driving horrible, my parents always say "Must be from China" and when we look. The person is from China and do you know how people can tell? Because China people have the most fucked up fashion sense. Bright Yellow Windbreaker, Red Visor Cap with the drop down shade, and then with the white capris cuffed up.

And Hong Kong, Tibet, Mongolia, Japan, Africa, Taiwan are not part of China. Fuck China. Just because nobody wants to be part of a dirty communist regime whos people smell like cat piss and mothballs; China has to make some big ass ordeal that they claim all the countries


You just made all people from Taiwan look like complete idiots. Good job. Douchebag.

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Taiwan's the Republic of China, the mainland is the People's Republic of China, 2 completely different things (and country, read wiki if you are interested). Right now, Taiwan have their own passport, currency, military, foreign policy and control sovereignty over their territory so it pretty much fill the definition of a country. Taiwan's future is entirely in the hand of the taiwanese, as the right to self-determination is a basic human right included in the UN universal charter of human rights, which China signed btw. the fact that a large proportion of taiwanese are ethnic han chinese as nothing to do with the fact that they are a country or not as it's undeniable that they are culturally different from the mainlanders.

How are taiwanese culturally different from mainlanders? Only a very small percent of the population of Taiwan (about 2%) are actually Taiwanese aboriginals. The rest all emigrated from China. I can understand that slight differences may have developed over time, but these are no more significant than local differences that have developed between regions of, say, northern and southern China. Different passports and currency does not imply a different culture.

I really want to understand this point of view since I've heard it so many times before.

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How are taiwanese culturally different from mainlanders? Only a very small percent of the population of Taiwan (about 2%) are actually Taiwanese aboriginals. The rest all emigrated from China. I can understand that slight differences may have developed over time, but these are no more significant than local differences that have developed between regions of, say, northern and southern China. Different passports and currency does not imply a different culture.

I really want to understand this point of view since I've heard it so many times before.

Culture is much more than just language or ethic origin, it's also also the reflect of a society, how ppl live, interact with each other and collectively decide the way they wanna build their nation and in this aspect, China and Taiwan are as far from each other as one can be. i mean, Taiwan is a thriving democracy while china is one of the most repressive dictatorship on earth, and if that is not cultural differences, i just don't know what is. not to mention that China is a communist state (although now, that would be debatable) while taiwan is a capitalist one...

anyway, if i follow your argument, america, canada or australia should have never become countries and should have stayed british colony.

but the bottom line is that regardless of whether there's some big cultural differences or not or whatever , the Taiwanese are the ONLY ones that have a say on how they define themselves and how they want to plan their future.

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A little over the top? NO?

Asian on asian hate is the funniest shit ever because of the absurdity. We all still have squinty eyes, and yellow skin, and disgusting food items on our menus. There must be some sub-asian american studies class that must be teaching this asian on asian hate.

I'm Asian...Filipino to be exact and I sure as hell don't have squinty eyes or yellow skin.

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You just made all people from Taiwan look like complete idiots. Good job. Douchebag.

Oh your parents must be one of those "Chen Sui Bian"-Haters because if you know anything about KMT government and what they implemented into the Taiwanese education system and how they still want to jerk off Mao Zhedong; then you would obviously know why Taiwanese people hate Chinese people. And when I talk about Taiwanese people, I'm not talking about the 1949 Chiang Kai Shek, but rather the aboriginals and the people that have been there for centuries.

Oh and I guess I'm the representation of "all people from Taiwan". Thanks for nominating me as Ambassador, I promise I'll do the best I can to make all them dirty communists piss in their $4 childlabor made khakis after I make Taiwan an independent country -- which it is.

By the way, Girls from Taiwan are on a different level compared to China Girls. It might not say much being compared to greasy haired, mustache women though.

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Oh your parents must be one of those "Chen Sui Bian"-Haters because if you know anything about KMT government and what they implemented into the Taiwanese education system and how they still want to jerk off Mao Zhedong; then you would obviously know why Taiwanese people hate Chinese people. And when I talk about Taiwanese people, I'm not talking about the 1949 Chiang Kai Shek, but rather the aboriginals and the people that have been there for centuries.

Oh and I guess I'm the representation of "all people from Taiwan". Thanks for nominating me as Ambassador, I promise I'll do the best I can to make all them dirty communists piss in their $4 childlabor made khakis after I make Taiwan an independent country -- which it is.

By the way, Girls from Taiwan are on a different level compared to China Girls. It might not say much being compared to greasy haired, mustache women though.


Don't even mention them at all. I am the one you are talking to, so if you have anything to say, you say it to me. You leave my family out of this. In the same manner, I will leave your family out of this. I formulate my own opinions and don't need my parents' guidance. In fact, I have never discussed the the China/Taiwan issue with them.

I am in no way appointing you as ambassador to all Taiwanese people. It would be a sad day for Taiwan if it was true. I am only referring to the fact that in both of your last two posts you made completely stupid generalizations about Taiwanese people. For instance, you said that Taiwanese people think all the bad drivers are from China, as if there are no bad drivers from Taiwan. You said Taiwanese people can recognize people from China from their horrible fashion sense, as if there are no poorly dressed people from Taiwan. You said Taiwanese people always talk shit about Chinese people, as if there are no rational Taiwanese people capable of having an intellegent conversation with people from China. If what you say is really true, then you are indeed making Taiwanese people look bad.

The truth is that I know that not every person from Taiwan thinks like you because I have lots of Taiwanese friends. In fact, I have more friends from Taiwan than from mainland China, and none of them are as ignorant as you. They don't take their own over-zealous feelings and generalize them towards an entire group of people, which is basically what you did. You used this thread to ask a stupid question (Why do people from China add an "ER" after every word?), which is not even true, as an excuse to go off on a tangential rant expressing your personal narrow-minded thoughts like a mad fanatic. What is sad is that you make people think that others from Taiwan are just like you. So please stop, for the Taiwanese people's sake.

You are an abomination with nothing to add but bitter remarks. At least Kasper can contribute in an intelligent manner. You, on the other hand, should crawl under a rock and die. Stop shitting up this thread because no one is interested in your thoughts.

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Don't even mention them at all. I am the one you are talking to, so if you have anything to say, you say it to me. You leave my family out of this. In the same manner, I will leave your family out of this. I formulate my own opinions and don't need my parents' guidance. In fact, I have never discussed the the China/Taiwan issue with them.

I am in no way appointing you as ambassador to all Taiwanese people. It would be a sad day for Taiwan if it was true. I am only referring to the fact that in both of your last two posts you made completely stupid generalizations about Taiwanese people. For instance, you said that Taiwanese people think all the bad drivers are from China, as if there are no bad drivers from Taiwan. You said Taiwanese people can recognize people from China from their horrible fashion sense, as if there are no poorly dressed people from Taiwan. You said Taiwanese people always talk shit about Chinese people, as if there are no rational Taiwanese people capable of having an intellegent conversation with people from China. If what you say is really true, then you are indeed making Taiwanese people look bad.

The truth is that I know that not every person from Taiwan thinks like you because I have lots of Taiwanese friends. In fact, I have more friends from Taiwan than from mainland China, and none of them are as ignorant as you. They don't take their own over-zealous feelings and generalize them towards an entire group of people, which is basically what you did. You used this thread to ask a stupid question (Why do people from China add an "ER" after every word?), which is not even true, as an excuse to go off on a tangential rant expressing your personal narrow-minded thoughts like a mad fanatic. What is sad is that you make people think that others from Taiwan are just like you. So please stop, for the Taiwanese people's sake.

You are an abomination with nothing to add but bitter remarks. At least Kasper can contribute in an intelligent manner. You, on the other hand, should crawl under a rock and die. Stop shitting up this thread because no one is interested in your thoughts.


and really Raskol, calm down.

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This thread is already ridiculously full of shit anyway. Your taking this internet thing way too seriously.

^^ true, but the guy doesnt even have a point to make.

i just get annoyed when people talk about my family. all the fights i have started have been because people talk shit about my parents. it's needless

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Well, lets see -- you are getting upset over the fact that I presumed your parents were Chen Shui Bian haters; apparently I do not see the harm in this but obviously you have some bipolor Cho Seung resentment a part of you. Your complete feedback has no relevancy at the topic in hand but rather you just depart to an off tangent rant about ignorance and your imaginary Taiwanese friends. Now I'm assuming that you are not actually Taiwanese but just from Mainland China with an ignorant perspective on Taiwanese issues. How can you validly justify your opinion when you have a 3rd person perspective on issues that will never affect your life or have affected your previous generations' life? But before I jump to the assumption that you are from Communist Land; you arise at the topic that I over generalize Taiwanese people with my over-zealous opinions on dirty communists also known as China Man. Well, how many of your Taiwanese friends are 1st generation Taiwanese? How many of your friends are actual Taiwanese aboriginals or Hakka? Maybe I am over generalizing all Taiwanese people, but I won't back down from my original statement -- "Taiwanese people talk shit about China People". It may not be every single Taiwanese person but looking at the majority of Taiwanese people. I stand correct and perhaps our definition of a Taiwanese person is different. You may look at it like an Irish descendent claiming to be American; I'm looking at it with the perspective of Native Americans claiming to be American. I don't know, I was just raised under Taiwanese parents.

This is similar to taking the example of how traditional, older generations of Koreans hate the Japanese; not entirely of all Koreans but majority? Yes. Now you talk about intelligence but your post is just a giant Ad Hominem with kindergarten insults and just to tell you, I hope to God that you don't take pride in your intelligence. I'm not saying that I am as "intelligent as you" because you obviously are the epitome of anti-ignorance and the Stephen Hawkins of life.

By the way, your parents should've beaten you

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guys, calm the fuck down. you're making asians look bad. im neither chinese nor taiwanese nor have i ever lived in either country but this is my observation from an outsiders point of view. an asian [i wont reveal my original nationality as i think its pointless] living in a western country. you think it wouldnt matter, but if anything, the nationality segregation is far more obvious than in asia.

1) taiwanese people DO talk shit about mainlanders. sorry but its true. i have taiwanese and chinese friends who DO, on occasion, bicker about how taiwan belongs to china and the argument against that is that taiwan is its own country with its own way of doing things etc.

personally, i'm for taiwanese independence. i mean... just because they have the same language and culture doesnt mean that they're the same country. otherwise australia would be still a part of the british empire and so on and so forth.

also, saying that historically, taiwan belongs to china is bullshit. otherwise, italians could apply the same logic and say that rome conquered the world once and therefore, the whole world belongs to italy.

and so on and so forth with mongols, greeks, macedonians and whoever else.

2) i know its not a general thing but... in all honesty... the taiwanese girls ive met shit on the shanghainese ones. thatst just my own personal opinion.

3) BTT... you're arguably the most bigoted person ive met. i mean... okay, we've established you dont like china, but thats no reason to flame them so hard on a GLOBAL forum like sufu right? secondly. bringing Raskol's parents into this is really a poor show of maturity.

you COULD just relax a little bit with the jibes like that. if you wanna bring things under discussion, at least make sure you can back up your claims with evidence. don't make sweeping statements like that.

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It is useless to try to talk to you since all you do is make up stuff and assume things about others.

your imaginary Taiwanese friends. Now I'm assuming that you are not actually Taiwanese but just from Mainland China with an ignorant perspective on Taiwanese issues. How can you validly justify your opinion when you have a 3rd person perspective on issues that will never affect your life or have affected your previous generations' life?

What opinion are you talking about? I have never stated my opinion about the China/Taiwan issue. Not once have I said that Taiwan should be part of China or that it should be an independent state. My comments directed towards you were all referring to how much of an idiot you were making yourself out to be.

If only you can stop assuming things about other people, maybe you can actually contribute something worthwhile. I am not from mainland China. I am from Hong Kong. I am a physics grad student, so believe me I have friends who are both from mainland China and Taiwan (both Hoklo and Hakka). And yes, they were born and grew up there. So stop assuming things about me just so you have something to say.

And not all Chinese people are communists you dumb fuck. A large part of the population fight for and support democracy in China (me being one of them). Perhaps you forgot the Tiananmen square massacre? It wasn't communists that they were killing. Your ignorance is just top notch.

Maybe I am over generalizing all Taiwanese people, but I won't back down from my original statement -- "Taiwanese people talk shit about China People".

And do you also stand by your other statements: That bad drivers and those with horrible fashion can only be Chinese? Or do you admit they were idiotic statements. Maybe you and your friends all talk shit about Chinese people, but the Taiwanese friends I have met are thankfully not as stupid as you. I have had conversations about this with them and they never resorted to the stupid generalizations you make.

To be honest, many times I have felt that Taiwan should just be its own independent state. Not because of any major cultural differences but mainly because of the point Kasper made: that people from Taiwan are the ones who should decide what they want for their country. In practice, though, it is more complicated than that.

I'm not making myself out to be an intelligent person, but at least I don't resort to your ignorant level.

As for my parents, they never beat me. They were actually good parents who taught me manners. Your parents can learn a lot from them.

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I guess we can't have a well mannered conversation and we will have to resort to your petty ways of kindergarten insults.

What opinion are you talking about? I have never stated my opinion about the China/Taiwan issue. Not once have I said that Taiwan should be part of China or that it should be an independent state. My comments directed towards you were all referring to how much of an idiot you were making yourself out to be.

Yes, maybe I am incorrect. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am not a stubborn faggot as yourself.

If only you can stop assuming things about other people, maybe you can actually contribute something worthwhile. I am not from mainland China. I am from Hong Kong. I am a physics grad student, so believe me I have friends who are both from mainland China and Taiwan (both Hoklo and Hakka). And yes, they were born and grew up there. So stop assuming things about me just so you have something to say.

Hey mothball smelling communist. Go commit suicide, you Mao Zhe Dong hand jerking faggot, while your at it why don't you go tell your baby sister to knit me some jeans you pro-child laboring gong zhang dang mother fucker. I could assume whatever the fuck I want, you ignorant peice of shit.

And not all Chinese people are communists you dumb fuck. A large part of the population fight for and support democracy in China (me being one of them). Perhaps you forgot the Tiananmen square massacre? It wasn't communists that they were killing. Your ignorance is just top notch.

Everybody in China is a communist, otherwise they would just leave to Taiwan.

And do you also stand by your other statements: That bad drivers and those with horrible fashion can only be Chinese? Or do you admit they were idiotic statements. Maybe you and your friends all talk shit about Chinese people, but the Taiwanese friends I have met are thankfully not as stupid as you. I have had conversations about this with them and they never resorted to the stupid generalizations you make.

I stand by my statements. 100%

To be honest, many times I have felt that Taiwan should just be its own independent state. Not because of any major cultural differences but mainly because of the point Kasper made: that people from Taiwan are the ones who should decide what they want for their country. In practice, though, it is more complicated than that.

I'm not making myself out to be an intelligent person, but at least I don't resort to your ignorant level.

Well, you are pretty ignorant though. You are arguing in a superfuture thread about Taiwan/China on something that will never affect you. While you're at it why don't you start throwing out your ignorant opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian War? What about a 3rd person perspective on sex?

As for my parents, they never beat me. They were actually good parents who taught me manners. Your parents can learn a lot from them.

That is why I wrote "Should Have". Are you an illiterate retard? Needs some remedial reading comprehension courses? How much can my parents learn from a dirty communist and a mail order bride from Mongolia? How can you talk about ignorance and generalization when you made the generalization previously that nobody wanted to read my posts in this thread due to your over zealous opinions? :D Hypocritical much? Very Much! How's the education in a communist regime?

On this note, you are a very sad attempt at life; honestly I wouldn't doubt that you were an accident and that your daddy isn't your real daddy and in actuality your Mongolian slave mom got raped by a dirty Hmong and she was attempting to abort your ass but the welfare check didn't come in time. Honestly, how do you catch e-feelings over an internet board about something that has no relation to you? Tampex Pearl?


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is this the only thing you can come up with? A bunch of insults that don't even make sense? Can you even comprehend what you're reading? And you're commenting on my education level? Every single one of the insults you threw at me are a lot more applicable to you.

This has to be the most idiotic hateful post in the history of superfuture. Mods, is this not grounds for banning this idiot?

Just know that if you had said that to me in person, I would have stomped your fucking face in.

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is this the only thing you can come up with? A bunch of insults that don't even make sense? Can you even comprehend what you're reading? And you're commenting on my education level? Every single one of the insults you threw at me are a lot more applicable to you.

This has to be the most idiotic hateful post in the history of superfuture. Mods, is this not grounds for banning this idiot?

Just know that if you had said that to me in person, I would have stomped your fucking face in.

oh snap. BTT, this dude is F'REALLLZZZZ

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lol... it was photoshopped you idiot and if you had half the brain capacity as a normal human being you wouldve realized it was a joke...and damn, you really take this shit seriously dont you...?

i did realize it was joke.

I should have put a (7) at the end of my post.

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