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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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good lord you are rude madeline.

jacket looked like it was gonna explode

i'm curious about the use of "rude" here. i think it might be an awesome usage, unless it's meant to be derogatory. in which case i'm not down.

what i am down with is more ladies on this forum who are this kind of rude.

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i'm curious about the use of "rude" here. i think it might be an awesome usage, unless it's meant to be derogatory. in which case i'm not down.

what i am down with is more ladies on this forum who are this kind of rude.

now i'm confused at where this "rude" things is going

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the public library. civic job = union pay. i actually did apply at gravity pope, though. eugene choo, too. i want discountz.

Hope you get it. I worked at a library for a bit and while it can be a bit trying being surrounded by septuagenarians and people with Melvil Dewey tattoos the pay is rad and you can usually just fuck off to a backroom and read.

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