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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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its hard to pic a fave sometimes

but since i tend to like sports games

ice hockey (yes mass, it was the one w/ fat, slim, and medium guys)

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i still live with my parents

my basement is the shithole where everything goes

3 computers within a 10 foot space

old ikea couches

old tv's (actually, if you can't make it out in the pic, my oldest TV is the stand for my semi-old tv)

and those nintendo games that just sit on that coffee table (which we found in the back of value village)

etc. etc.

i love it down here :)

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I've never played NES or SNES.

I started with a Genesis.

SNES i can forgive (i had Sega also)

but no NES?!?!?

mannnnnnn, i feel for you :(

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