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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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^I wouldn't have recognised you there.

Nice pic. A little big, but nice.

btw what jeans?

Hey buddy. I chopped me hair off. Those are Billycock samples.. It's a range a friend and I are working on at the moment.. These ones are using Bradmills denim from Australia but we are waiting on a shipment of some beautiful denim from Kuroki in Japan for the final samples and production. We've got the fit nailed for all 8 styles (3 men, 3 women, 2 unisex) and all the hardware is done now too so we are almost there. Hoping to launch by the end of the year.. Will keep super posted.

I'll make sure to resize those mothers next time I post.

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If we're talking about video games can someone post the youtube clip of young kiya on that video game show?

Also, it was really tough back before internet to figure out how to beat tough games. When i was 5-9 and had trouble beating games like Lolo 1-3 i had to ask for my grandma's permission to call Nintendo HQ in seattle where you could pay per minute to get help on games. Lolo was serious fucking shit

ur complaining bout a dude's leg hair?

fuck that. ur wack as fuck.

Seriously. Plus, i think i have salaryman beat. I wonder who has the hariest legs on sufu. I'd imagine cottonduck or bill might have hairier legs than me.

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Awesome. Such a good video. Loved that show. Might be the best host in television history

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