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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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is that a dSLR?

you can't even do simple photography?

learn moar.

Um... what? Yes it is a dslr. I dont really care enough about my fit pic to spend time getting the lighting and such right. If you want to see a few of my real photos i'll link you to my portfolio.

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it's not a big deal, but even at their laziest our photographers usually take decent photos of themselves. it's what they do.

Fair enough, next fit pic I will put some time into getting a decent and well-exposed photo.

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Alternative Apparel

Helmut lang


The pants have a slight shine to them which looks really cool in person, but it wont show up on a photo :(

What is alt apparel? I received items from AA wholesaler and got alt apparel mixed in with it, is it the same?

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