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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Holy shit, we're graced with the presence of Hollywood royalty, I can't believe John Travolta's son posting on our puny messageboard!!

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As much as I love you, homi, and as much as I ruv Croak, I just don't think that the jacket and caridgan work that well together. Or maybe it's just my chinky eyes being unable to comprehend the steez.

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sorry for the bad pic. i'm gonna start taking em' outside or downstairs again soon


corpus henley

black ring waxed denim

israeli canvas boots

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wow, this outfit makes me happy. the expression on his face is really great (for lack of a better adjective). i have heard that white shoes with black socks are a fashion "don't," but somehow he makes it work.


today is gross

maybe it'll help dirty these cons. still sparkling white

edit: bonus shits


i find myself staring at your crotch, hope that's not awkward. :confused:

i looked at my feet the other day and thought, "man, my chucks are way too clean." what is it about clean cons that really bothers us?

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