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When people ask "what type of jeans are those"...


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What do you do when people ask you what type of jeans you are wearing? I honestly get asked this almost every day...Everytime I have told them sugarcane or something it has launched me into a 10 minute conversation on denim and selvege...

so I usually just say Levi's

anyone else like this?

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people ask about my nudies all the time, theres almost nowhere (if anywhere) in Florida that carries them, let alone any other nicer brands, and i go to a snobby prep school (sevens and lucky etc galore) i just say nudies, got em in nyc, theyre swedish, most times thats the end of the conversation..lol

once i was in j.crew and this typical metro sexual looking tool of a dude actually recognized they were nudies and asked about them, he looked like he was decked out in abercrombie, but at least he knew something, im glad to impart some knowledge on anyone who cares to ask, talked to him for like 5 minutes about em

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People ask about my Nudies too, seems like nudie isn't that familiar with the mass-crowd as I thought..

I just say Nudies, sometimes a 10 minutes conversation starts, and sometimes I just say, What is Nudies? Long story, Google it, ass .. ghehe :P

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^im still in high school too

Not to derail, but what high school. I used to live in orlando.

I'd just say what it was, where it's from and leave it at that. Usually if you say it's from japan or something, people won't ask further questions.

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In my school, what I have noticed, Nudie's seem to be blowing up. Hell, I'm selling my washed Nudie, hahaha. A lot of people getting into the raw denim scene, more for the look than really getting into it though, but I do see some that I think don't wash and try to get honeycombs, but not 100%. I recently I think saw some guy with some washed Levi's that 'looked' like they had selvedge. But the selvedge was like 45rpm's, so it was weird. Didn't ask though.

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I get asked this a good amount and usually reply:

"they're APC's, its a french brand"

one of the girls I work with asked me one time, I got into the whole raw selvedge thing and she was actually into it. I see her all the time so every now and then she asks how my jeans are doing...and then asks me to turn around so she can see my back pocket fades. But yeah I'm surprised that "why have you been wearing the same jeans for the past few months?" doesn't come up more often.

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I get asked this a good amount and usually reply:

one of the girls I work with asked me one time, I got into the whole raw selvedge thing and she was actually into it. I see her all the time so every now and then she asks how my jeans are doing...and then asks me to turn around so she can see my back pocket fades. But yeah I'm surprised that "why have you been wearing the same jeans for the past few months?" doesn't come up more often.

lol yeah i wonder why i don't get the "why have you been wearing the same jeans for the past few months?" either

lol don't take the whole fake levis thing seriously

cuzz after i say that they always say "wtf whered u get em at?"

then i go "naww jk its a japanese brand"

end of that hahaah

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Most people don't give a shit, being that they have more important things in life than to contemplate what fuckin' jeans I'm wearing. Most people who have noticed, usually notice the fabric. Then they go for a leg grab. Might not be the jeans they are trying to feel though.

One of the fun things about having super slubby jeans. Everybody wants to touch your leg :P

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the only person who asks about my jeans is my friend who helped me get my sams. shes as obsessed with my jeans as i am. one day she asked me if i had ever heard of howies, and that they made a natural indigo selvage jean. she always asks to see my jeans and how they are fading and try them on( tho i think this is a ploy to get my pants off)

besieds that, unless i brought it up, no one cares.

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