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  inaya said:
I have been having this crazy pain in my gums, in one area, over the last few days... it just keeps getting worse and i'm in agony x_x

finally I got an xray today at the dentist and they found that one of my molar teeth has somehow cracked down the middle, all the way to the gum :( but I got an appointment for 7am tomorrow to have it replaced. then I have to go to the airport at 11am to go visit my grandparents.

ohh that sucks, that has happened to me before. i bit into a nerds rope, and my molar just cracked right down the middle. the process of getting a new tooth SUCKS. i think only like half my molar is fake, but its stuck in there with help of a srew thats attatched.... somewhere? ahaha dont mean to bring you down, but good luck with that ish

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so I've spent my fall break essentially eating ice cream, watching Dexter, playing tennis, and not gaining any weight. I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. Its gonna be lame going back to school on Wednesday. Luckily I only have drawing that evening. Solid.

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  Servo2000 said:
Wait, you have a fall break? I didn't even get Columbus Day (i.e. today) off.

1st off - sup lab, hope your vaca was nice.

2nd - yeah we have fall break. but that doesn't negate the work I have due this week, nor did it stop me from spending my sunday @ school at a tennis match. Which I lost (no surprise there). So though its a break, its fairly abbreviated. Luckily, I have no class today normally, my classes tomorrow are cancelled, and I only have a night class on Wednesday. So I don't have to be back until Wednesday afternoon for tennis.

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Fuck it. If I can't find a pair of those Raf Simons baggy pants with the dual-belt slots for less than like $800 from Japan I'm seriously going to be fucking tempted to try and find a cheap black kimono and have belt loops added so I can cinch it up. I could see this working with a pair of black boots (Trickers of course) and a plain black T maybe. Sort of a fucked up Yohji sort of thing going on.

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  jeepster said:
^^ @ crissyw: I don't even know who you are but I can already tell you kinda suck. Between your sig and the lame Recent Purchase post with that Gucci shit, you definitely are working on some suckage. Lurk moar.

Will do.


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  newaesthetic said:
why the fuck are kings of leon tickets so expensive, and how did they sell out in a couple days? sometimes I am completely confused by toronto. $250 for a single ticket on ebay for a show that was maybe $40 on ticketmaster.



how embarrassing

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I got screwed. The ex wanted me to buy a group of tickets and everywhere in hamilton was giving issues. Ordered online and was limited to 8, needed 9. Next day, gone.

She still owes me around $80 from that, I'm tempted to try and get that from her to aid the scalper fund. I was mostly interested in going for WAS anyways.

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  WayneGibbous said:
bernt, you made my day. would rep

edit: good lord jesus that pic is scary

He is from Orlando? Holy shit I saw a dude that looked exactly like him working the door at a bank of america in Celebration...chrono should stop down to investigate

THE FUCK? If that is really his account and not someone else posting his pics i might have to PM him or e-stalk him to get a glimpse in real life.

Wayne- How long you in Jamlando for? I have no idea the next time i'm coming down to visit family. I need to see my little brother's pop warner football game before season ends so i might be there in late october/early november and definitely for thanksgiving break. I'd be more than happy to grab a beer. PM me if you wish as my computer time will be sporadic this week. You can tell me about what it's like to kill a man.

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Wait. People here like kings of leon? I remember hearing that shit like 4-5 years ago, not liking it and ignoring everything else they did. Should i try again or is dey gay?

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