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my girlfriend keeps suggesting the standard sexy whatever halloween costumes and im dismayed because i want to be the guy and girl from grease

i feel really gay

Why don't you just go as a fruitswaggin, shiny tight pants wearing guy wif no shoulders

and she can go as a girlfriend who thinks her boyfriend enjoys the romantic company of men



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I made the right decision tonight and had grilled cheese. It was worth it.

I made grilled cheese too, and I won't lie: it was the worst grilled cheese of my life. I even used kraft singles but apparently that wasn't the key to a perfect sandwich...

Also I baked it, that's probably why it sucked.

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I made grilled cheese too, and I won't lie: it was the worst grilled cheese of my life. I even used kraft singles but apparently that wasn't the key to a perfect sandwich...

Also I baked it, that's probably why it sucked.

timbs, you cant bake a 'grilled' cheese sammich! :(

also, must have with tomato soup or else its pointless. i think so, at least.

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^my old high school serves them every friday (how i got addicted to them) and im trying to figure out how im going to sneak in without the guards noticing and have lunch with my little brother just to get a texas toast grilled cheese and tomato soup.

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I made grilled cheese too, and I won't lie: it was the worst grilled cheese of my life. I even used kraft singles but apparently that wasn't the key to a perfect sandwich...

Also I baked it, that's probably why it sucked.

use wax paper and an iron and iron the cheese sandwich on both sides.

use medium heat, so you can control how much you want the bread to be grilled.

Its how I use to make my grill cheese in college.

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i am good at grilled cheese

i melt unsalted butter in a well seasoned cast iron skillet and add fine iodized salt

put two slices of whole wheat bread on there to toast on one side

i then flip the bread to toast the other side

i place slices of cheese (smoked gouda is nice, maybe some sharp cheddar) on one piece of bread and spread spicy brown mustard on the other

then i place i single slice of tomato (with sea salt and fresh ground pepper) on top of the cheese and make another very thin layer of cheese on top of that

put it together and continue to cook on the skillet over medium heat for another 5 or so minutes on each side

once my grandfather made me a grilled cheese on white bread in the microwave


then we went fishing using peanut-butter smeared cotton balls


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^freshmen year of high school my mom worked crazy hours running a gourmet caterer and my grandfather cooked for me every night. crazy. chicken legs fried in bacon grease. microwaved steak. spaghetti with woersterchire. scariest culinary year of my life.

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I love having some tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, some balsamic vinegar (or glaze if i make it), and a bit of salt and pepper and just fucking going to town. Delicious.

Anything with Antony is cool.

Aren't you in LA or something? He's playing next week. I really hope i get to see him live one day. I'm pretty stoked i just realized there is a new EP i haven't listened to. Gonna have to illegally download that right away.

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^me too. we did that every night this summer. the caprese. grilled steak and fish. grilled mango and bananas over whole made ice cream.

growing our own stuff was the best decision ever. we did tomatoes, peppers, zuchinis, basil, oregano, thyme, basil, mint (which overgrows like hell), cilantro and cucumbers this year.

wasn't disparaging cheese/tomato combo; just a grilled cheese purist.

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^forgot basil.

I did when i had a little plant out back, but i don't feel like using dry herbs and i'm too lazy/busy to cook lately.

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im supposed to go to this restaurant (http://lolabistro.com/) tonight for my friends bday and ive never been. apparently its owned by a food network chef? and im not sure if we're going to lola or lolita.

menu looks good on lolita tho. im thinking the lamb steak.

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Yo antony. I thought he was some pretty androgynous boy

but then he came out out of nowhere at a Bjork show and I was at the front of the stage and he shattered my dreams looking like a down syndrome fat robert smith or something.

Still <3 <3 his voice.

Hercules and the Love Affair had some good shit with him too.

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