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Random Thoughts...

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fucking hell! I forgot my power supply in class, got back home, ate, went back to get it. It wasn't in the lab so I asked the girl who runs it if she'd seen it, she said no. Headed back home and my teacher sent me a mail telling me he left it at the office of whoever runs the labs. The girl just didn't know D:

now Im leaving for nyc and will have to buy one there.

also have a strange crush on all the girls who run the electronics/computer science labs. somewhat hot nerdy chicks with foreign accents.

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one time i said something to 2000db and he couldn't hear me and did that and i laughed for weeks and months.

wtf man, I'd never do that shit (unless I was flirting with you... was I?). I probably said ''hein?'' which is french, but you probably cant make the difference betweent the two.

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what you be?

I need ideas for something if i am to attend a costume party.

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During my 3 week teaching internship at this high school, i handed out comment cards after doing a few lessons for this world history class asking for some of the favorite things they learned, and comments about me or my teaching (positive and constructive). These are a few of the sufu related ones:

"Mr. Mendoza dresses funny"

"I like your fuzz shoes"

"You always wear nice pants"

"Where did you get that one shirt?"

The rest were lame stuff about lecturing, materials and activities. Mostly boring stuff.

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I should post some of the terrible spelling/grammar i witnessed in there during the 3 weeks. Fucking 9th and 10th graders aren't what i remember.

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does anyone know if you could get an extension on paying a ticket?

i'm probably going to jail or getting a loan if not

Is there a court date attatched? If yes, probably. Even if not, more than likely you can go in and schedule payments over a set period of time. ie. a How Much A Month deal.

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