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yesterday i watched Taxi Driver, 2001 A Space Odyssey and The Departed in that order. i went to sleep and boy i had a fucking nightmare that was out of this world... i was basically walking along the road in a crowded area and people would randomly fall on their face whilst spurting blood out of various orifices. - blood everywhere

one guy falls into a bush with a big splattering noise, blood everywhere - comes out hopping/riding on a severed horses head with a huge pool of blood around him. i run into the bush to check it out and find a huge mutilated horses corpse

i then woke up drenched in sweat not really wanting to go back to sleep :(

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Ayo, I was gonna rep you for making me smile JJ, but then I realized it wasn't Ryan Reynolds :( .

I wonder if a highly ranked ebay member received BS neg rep from a buyer, how it would hold up in court as libel(probably not very well, it'd be great if you just wanted to fuck them over financially though I guess).

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I need some help finding an image by Raymond Pettibon where it's Elvis on a cross, crucified and the caption below says "He died for your sins"

anyone? I used to have a t-shirt with that image (which I lost) and now I wanna re-screenprint it.

It's in a retrospective book I have, if you are still itching, I can scan it and see if it turns out any good.

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Last night, I had this bizarre dream that I can really only remember in fragments. It was a mix of 1st person and third person of other people (like a movie). It was mainly set in a large industrial kitchen that was partially packed up.

There were two people (male and female) that went in this place that were unknown to me, but I could tell they were good people. There was at least one person inside that was not good, but I suspect he had henchmen of sorts. There was a Jason-esque character let loose as soon as the good people entered this building, but I never saw a decent view of him.

Before the two that were good entered, someone was inside panicking while mopping the floor with something that looked like blood. There was some frantic speaking as he tried to spread it around over the areas someone was likely to walk.

The two good people enter, but seem to not pay any attention to each other and split up. It's fairly dark and the good male heads off to the left and ends up near what looks like a weird dishwasher and gets grabbed by the Jason-like figure. The details of what happens to the female are fuzzy.

Two more people enter, and as far as I could tell, they represented some sort of police or authority, but they weren't there to help the two who were already inside. I could feel that they were nervous and I could hear the cries of the other two. They were each wrapped in a palette sandwiched between other corpses and body parts, but they were alive with their faces pressed to the plastic. One of the authority figures made his way over to the weird dishwasher and was killed somehow (not sure of details).

Everything sort of cuts to a new part of the dream, but this time I am in it. It's the same location, but like a brighter back stock room. I remember in great detail hearing someone say the Brooklyn bridge collapsed and I saw some pretty detailed images of it. This guy I know that works at another store in the company I work for shows up, but for some reason I view him as a threat. In reality, he's a super nice guy, but the last two times I've talked to him, he's been a little rude to me.

We got to fighting and it was some intense movie action stuff, but I'm not sure if it ever resolved. There was plenty more that happened in the dream before and after what I recall, but it's all really fuzzy.

I wish I remembered my dreams more often. :( It's about once every few months that I remember one in any significant detail.

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