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Guest Phrost

^ain't nothing wrong with that :(

Leon smashed, on the cutting room floor.

not true :mad: i have the unedited version. those 10-15 mins extra are really worth the dl time :)

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Guest Phrost

how did jay become so out of tune in a matter of years. is that all it takes. cause he was on point on american gangster. i'd rather him be 40 n rapping about selling drugs if that's what it takes for him to step his game up. either that or give it up for real this time


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Guest Phrost

he be dressin like an oldhead :(

you know what i'm talking about. the nigs in the hood that try to dress the way they think young ppl are dressing. they look foolish n outdated

there better be some slept on gems on like blueprint's never change

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fuck man you and me both, it's that or i make a monstrous red velvet cake.

U must share if u make red velvet!! it miiiiight b my fave. :o

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Guest Phrost

surprise surprise. all of the recent album singles i remember were pretty bad (h to izzo, change clothes, blue magic)

he's trying to do what wayne's doing, experimenting with his diction, inflection, stretching his syllables but it just sounds sloppy. he crafted such a strong flow i don't know why he would ever change it

reminds me of the old heads in the hood tryin to keep up to stay young :(

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I am the highest I've been in so long.

my god

I just bullshitted and bro'd with my roommates for like the last two hours

like high school status bro'ing

talking about lewd sexula acts n all

so loud

and I didnt even smoke with them or anything


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mediafire lets you DL without limits regardless of even having a free account

thing i don't get is why people STILL USE rapidshare :confused:

mediafire once capped me though... after i think a couple GB, you start having to type in the captcha code

but you just clear brower cookies and you are good 2 go

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