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I took the bullet train last week.

There was a nice girl pushing a cart and selling coffee, dried squid, and beer.

I asked her if she liked her job and she smiled condescendingly,

"peanuts are on sale today."

my daddy loved peanuts =/

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slop that bread in the potatoes, catch some steak juice. yeah, some of that too, its blood. you're a carnivore, act like one. that white napkin should be filthy by now.

use that steak knife to smear butter on a roll. that half melted butter. nah, thats not enough, get guilty with it. sis watches greedily but knows it'll go to her ass.

wash down with cold beer. make that red wine if you're grown.

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no, I'm not done thank you, can I have the dessert menu please.

key lime pie? are you fucking kidding me. no.

tierra misu? not today Barbara, not today.

yeah, I'll take that creme brulee. the assortment, like 3 kinds. do it proper, and don't give me those kiddie portions. yeah, charge me extra, fuck it. can I get a clean napkin too please.

and bring some more booze. limoncello, thats right. the bottle.

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no, thanks barbara we'll have some more limoncello, barbara.

no you don't need to wrap up these potatoes, but I will need two filets to go.

like I said, medium rare, you know, seared right. I want to see grill strips. you know how I like it.

hold the sauce, I got A1 at home.

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i feel weird checking out highschool girls now that I'm in kawledge.

what's the cutoff? can freshman girls still be hot? sophomores? juniors? or am I only limited to seniors?

i usually just slap one o these on their forehead for safe measure


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salaryman can not rep. can you read me a bed time story?

I'll tell you a story.

Its the state fair. Its carnival food. Family piles into the wagon to get to the spot, you call back seat. No the way back, in the trunk, with those seats that face the cars behind you. Get in a fight with your brother about which ninja turtle you are. Make faces at the cars behind you. Act insane and punch each other til Dad threatens to go home. Point at old people. Haha, look at that one, she is dead in like two minutes. ok, four.

At the fair, last to get out of the car, this is the only bad part of the way back seat. Why the fuck does pops always get the farthest possible parking spot.

Already smells like cotton candy. Buy that first. Fluffy dry blue mouth. Sis wipes sticky fingers on a new kids on the block t. Wash it down with a cold cherry coke. No fuck that, 7 up. In that paper cup, with those little rocky pieces of ice. Chew on those when you are out of drank.

Do you want a hot dog, like dad, already on his fourth beer? Why would you do that when you can have an elephants ear. Get that one, the one the size of the whole plate. NO, THAT one. Extra powdered sugar? Do you even have to ask? Extra chocolate too? Yes Ma'm, I do. Sprinkle everything on it. Put gummi bears on it for fucks sake. No gummi bears? Then chop up a snickers and put that on it. Act like you know.

Munch that for a while, look around at the rides. Starting to feel sick yet? No? Then she didn't put enough sugar on it. Whats next. Bumper cars, thats right. Start by roughing up bro a little bit, then sis. But you realize its more fun when the family teams up on that one kid who is riding in the SAME car as his little sister. You hit him from the back and bro from the front. Perfect timing. His sister is on the verge of tears and your family feels more like a family because of it. Family bumper cards. bonded.

Mom says no more cash for bumper cars, besides, you kids could hurt someone. Thats the point, but ok, lets do those balloons and darts. Shit looks easy. Guy at the darts counter has 3 teeth, dirty fingernails, feeling queazy. These are real carnie people. Split the darts with the siblings. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Everyone hits. Perfect aim. We'll take that big prize, no, not that winnie the pooh, fucking lame, give me that snoopy, the one with the head the size of the moon. Two more balloons, ssay carnie, grinning all sick. Two darts and its done. Pop, pop, give up snoopy you dick.

Candy apple. Water gun. Wooden coaster. Pin up poster. Skee ball. Fries. and ketchup on your face, dry by the time you get home.

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