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i'm at starbucks leeching off tmobile wifi using the tech support code. i wish my friend wasn't so negligent with her stuff so she could have her phone with her so i could contact her to hang out. agh

Better to keep doing what you're doing--better to be greedy than needy.

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"man it sucks for all the people who were around during episodes 1-3 and died.. and never got to see how it all began" im sorry i really am :mad::(

I don't get it. Do you say it sucked or you love it ? Because i found the episode 1, 2, 3 very boring, ewan mcgregor really disappointed me. Though I like the original star wars movies.

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jeep i copped these size 13 leather sole white canvas oxfords from oak, but since ive gotten them i actually havent worn them that much, interested?

im a size 14, if they fit extra big, then maybe

chop. off. toes.

not an option. im a basketball player

or do it chinese girl style

i would've had to start 17 years ago :(

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youre a half empty thinker arent you...

(wear them 17 years later)


someone else called me a pessimist today.

but no, i just don't think i can reverse 18 years of accelerrated growth on the spot.

on a completely related note:


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I'm assuming that you are going to the Inazuma Festival? That works too and would tickle your fancy more than hanging out with Asian kids all day hahaha :o

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fuck You Liverpool. I Fucking Hate Your Club And Your Fans So Fucking Much.

You Did Not Deserve That Penalty In The 83rd. We Deserved A Penalty, A Clearcut Penalty On Hleb From Kuyt, In The First Leg And Were Denied That.

Fucking Unfair. Completely Unjustified Progression To The Semi-finals.

Fuck You

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fuck You Liverpool. I Fucking Hate Your Club And Your Fans So Fucking Much.

You Did Not Deserve That Penalty In The 83rd. We Deserved A Penalty, A Clearcut Penalty On Hleb From Kuyt, In The First Leg And Were Denied That.

Fucking Unfair. Completely Unjustified Progression To The Semi-finals.

Fuck You

Failed all caps rant.

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tinnitus................so patient comes in for a check up and they observe how he can't hear all that well. guy that i work with looks into his ear and sees an obstruction--patient remembers he crammed a shitload of paper into his ear in an effort to make the rinning in his head to stop and he couldn't get it out. it's been in there long enough for the paper to rot a little bit--so a whole handfull of waxed goopey paper comes out of this dude's ear and he doesn't even flinch.

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i almost died about a half hour ago

i was bombing a really steep hill near my dorm

i do this almost every day

i know how to do it so that i go when the light is green

today was a little different because i was wearing a backpack

i started down the hill as usual and noticed someone in the other lane about to try to take a left turn


they come about half way out and hesitate

i have to turn a little to avoid them

the added weight of the backpack plus this attempt at turning gave me the wobbles

as any skater knows from there things can go nowhere good

i was going extremely fast

keep in mind this hill is pretty much on some san francisco caliber shit

so of course i completely lose it and get tossed

i slam down to the pavement on my side and skid quite some distance on my shoulder and hip

luckily my jacket and jeans were pretty protective

i havent taken them off to see how bad the road rash is yet

after skidding about 15-20 feet i somehow jumped up immedietly and grabbed my board and got off to the side of the road

i'm standing there wiping blood off of myself

i'd bit through my lip and took a nice piece of skin off of my left hand

some shocked students ask me if i am alright

i say yeah

the guy repeats "are you sure? that was huge"

they walk away staring at me in shock

i myself am surprised i have no serious injuries

then an old lady comes up to me and gives me a lecture

"that is the most low down thing i have ever seen! so low! no consideration for the other vehicles on the road and yourself! AND YOURSELF! DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!"

i just stand there and stare at her

i do this every day i said

am i a sadist for thinking "i wish someone had been around to film this?"

today has been a very unlucky day

for having almost died i feel surprisingly normal

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