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  TPR950H said:
^^^ What's wrong with nacos? Sort of sounds delicious still..

cause naco is mexican slang for low class common people, and apparently they are not delicious.

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Guest youngteam

superdupersang, are you a korean guy with a british accent? i've never encountered anything like that before -- sort of like meeting a puerto rican guy who's ashamed of his heritage.

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  youngteam said:
superdupersang, are you a korean guy with a british accent? i've never encountered anything like that before -- sort of like meeting a puerto rican guy who's ashamed of his heritage.

i am but i cant see the connection myself.

i went on a camp once in korea, for korean students who live outside of the motherland.

there were koreans with a texan accent, new york, cali, germany, autria, australia.

and me with my british accent.

are you a puerto rican in denial?

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Guest youngteam

there was this time when a japanese guy i know named brad made a comment about how white guys have pink-colored ballsacks while asian guys' scrotums are brown. i forget the context in which he made this observation, but i remember thinking it was peculiar and gay. and then i thought that it was probably true. and then i thought wait, how the fuck would i know this is true. i slept very fitfully that night.

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^^ Good call on that. I always heard that the darker skin tone of the sack is a reflection of metabolism... but who knows, that could just be some random thing that I was told. Although I haven't been able to gain much weight... sooooooooo I dunno.

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  DUM said:
why do all emo/hardcore/punk kids have Jay-z at the end of their music section on their myspace?

because they listen to everything.

there was this drama teacher from my high school who was chinese/white. she has a younger sister. which university does she go to?

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  • 3 months later...

yeah you are now listening to the sounds of ghost radio

777 fm, we in god dimension

fuckin random. sorry that ghostface shits been in my head all day, cause of the date.

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when barry bonds hits the big one, i wonder how much the ball will go for?

that would be awesome if a small kid cought it, but i doubt that shit cuz thats like millions of $$ going into the stands and people will probably be pushing and going all out crazy..

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