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Edit: fuck New Jersey in general. The only people I like from Jersey coincidentally got the fuck out of Jersey as soon as they could (including all of the relatives who I don't mind sharing my last name with).

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I thought Georgia's white trash were the worst...

...but this guy I just saw in my local (NoVa) 7-11 tops any piece of shit I saw while I lived in my former state.

I walk in to get some caffeine and see this entirely gangly looking dude.

No shirt, pants hanging off his ass (despite the fact he has a belt) and some briefs pulled up far too high.

Did I mention he wasn't wearing a shirt?

So I'm thinking to myself "alright, whatever - just a local douche" until I see on his back (because he isn't wearing a shirt) a huge tattoo that reads:



Seriously. It was...huge. Took about half of his upper back.

Does it get much trashier than that?

Why yes it does:

He purchased about three or four 40ozs and had a couple 24ozs of some flavored malt drink (probably for the underage girls he was undoubtedly trying to sex up)

Never before in my entire life have I desired so strongly to have a camera.

This motherfucker needs to be seen by the rest of the internet.

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  automaton said:
I know it's been said somewhere, but how does one embed vimeo on here? :confused:

tag is put the video url code after the = sign in the middle. would look like:


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  duckfeet said:

Are you honestly this shocked by a shirtless man with sagged pants and a tattoo buying malt liquor? I used to work with dudes like this and they weren't even bad guys at all.

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1 semester of school left.

Absolutely no drive to write the thesis I need to write to finish one of my degrees even though it's the only thing I have left to do to finish the program (and despite the fact that I can write on basically anything I please).

Said degree will do nothing for me in the future, but I've already taken an incomplete in 1 class and that will turn into an F if I don't write said thesis. And there's the whole "so close to the degree, why not just finish to say I did?" thing.

Tired of thinking about it...should probably just do it and not be a quitter. Whatever.

On the bright side, only 4 classes to take (2 of which are just leftover basic requirements) and a badass internship for the semester.

Very excited about the internship.

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  catchforusthefoxes said:
Don't get me started dude, this is the worst state in the country.

and yes, I have been to every state in the country (with the exception of hawaii... but my friend was born there)

jersey does suck but, honestly, i would rather be in jersey (north jersey) than a state like Alabama or Mississippi where kids go to college to get edjimacated.

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about to move to madison wisconsin for grad school anxiety is not building!!!!!!!!!! Pumped to have my own place in a bad ass new town with no mormons in it

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  Hang the DJ said:
I'm sure you know UW is one of the top party schools in the nation. Midwest knows how to do it up right (since there's nothing else to do).

eh i dont really care. having come from one of the most anti party schools in mormonville utah any old school in the USA will be a complete 180. I'm pretty set on doing this MS justice so i'm living a good ways away from campus.

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as a huge oregon ducks fan, i found this extemely entertaining to see on espn. legarrette is the man (7), but he should probably stop punching people in the face unless they punch him first (0).

here's the video

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  cord13 said:
tag is put the video url code after the = sign in the middle. would look like:


Thanks, but I was looking for vimeo, not youtube, :o

I know some of you know because I've seen vimeo embeded before, help please? perhaps Magnetic?

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