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the most logical reason is to deter other males from the site, giving more like a 1/5 chance of finding chicks vs. the 1/10 it's at now.

a few of my friends have started running game on there and have actually gotten the majority of the cute girls to show tits by the end of their chat. I'm not sure how I feel about this but some of these girls have been legitimately hot

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wtf. not trying to toot my own horn here, but my first year working full time after graduation and i made 76K which surprised me (work in hospital as cardiovascular specialist). i could be wrong but i busted into the lower end of a tax bracket of sorts?

i didn't qualify to get the full 8k tax credit for buying my first home because of that. fuck, i was trying to be "smart" with my money and invest in a home while the market was "down", but this shit sucks because i'm still living paycheck to paycheck because of house responsibilities (well maybe only for now cause i'm remodeling)

if i would have known, i would have said fuck a house and kept on renting for a while so i could party for a bit longer. i'm wasting my peak years of my life away worrying about a mortgage. shit is dumb, i want drugs.

after i had graduated and i didn't have to worry about mortgage, i was having the greatest time ever living life so care free. i should be living the fuck out of life considering i have no wife, no kids, and semi disposable income. i need to go see the world before i'm old and really tied down.

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not my first gay friend, but just made friends with a guy thats gay at school. super nice and knows so many hot girls. said he'd introduce me. yes

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i'm wasting my peak years of my life away worrying about a mortgage. shit is dumb, i want drugs.

It'll be worth it in the long run... smart move, sucks about the tax credit tho.

next time I'm in Seattle I will kop us some drugs.

after I graduated there were no good jobs so I've just lived day to day partying and traveling but it gets old fast. I'm about ready for that job/house but looks like it might have to be after grad school the way shits going. (went into finance, graduated 07 right as the market collapsed).

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pieiskewl & freecat (can't rep you yet :T) thanks for the homework help! i went to class and everyone else was like wtf confused about hw so at least i wasn't the only one. my teacher is like some crazy german guy who's always cursing stuff like, "and charlemagne was some bad mother fucker who just robbed and murdered people and partied with hoes"

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i did heroine to see if i could beat the addiction once.

long story short i won.

next up aids.

iv ? sniff or smoke doesn't count. i'll try to stay away from this as long as i can because i know i'm exactly the kind of dude that would get hooked.

i was thinking it would be really cool to go to iceland

but plane tickets are $4500

sooo i guess not

don't stay there more than a month.

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Being the starting point guard on my local rec team for this year has been fun..just came off a strong game.

Also, why the fuck do I have to take a creative module when my major is accounting. Fuck thinking out of the box, more credit debit balance sheet nonsense pls.

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Being the starting point guard on my local rec team for this year has been fun..just came off a strong game.

Also, why the fuck do I have to take a creative module when my major is accounting. Fuck thinking out of the box, more credit debit balance sheet nonsense pls.


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wtf. not trying to toot my own horn here, but my first year working full time after graduation and i made 76K which surprised me (work in hospital as cardiovascular specialist). i could be wrong but i busted into the lower end of a tax bracket of sorts?

i didn't qualify to get the full 8k tax credit for buying my first home because of that. fuck, i was trying to be "smart" with my money and invest in a home while the market was "down", but this shit sucks because i'm still living paycheck to paycheck because of house responsibilities (well maybe only for now cause i'm remodeling)

if i would have known, i would have said fuck a house and kept on renting for a while so i could party for a bit longer. i'm wasting my peak years of my life away worrying about a mortgage. shit is dumb, i want drugs.

after i had graduated and i didn't have to worry about mortgage, i was having the greatest time ever living life so care free. i should be living the fuck out of life considering i have no wife, no kids, and semi disposable income. i need to go see the world before i'm old and really tied down.

how much longer is the remodeling going on? rent the house out when it's finished and go travel in the meantime

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i did heroine to see if i could beat the addiction once.

long story short i won.

next up aids.

You would (most likely) have to do heroin more than once to develop an addiction, which you would then, in turn, beat.

EDIT: That documentary is pretty bizarre. Dude smokes crack twice, shoots heroin once... Then proceeds to talk to the mayor of Vancouver later, saying something along the lines of "I shot up heroin. What are you going to do about the city's addicts?"

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hey crew back once again for a round of catching up, but then again i should really get to bed soon


classy!!! im sure they dude that created that is waist deep in ass... that he paid for with his moms money

this fucking equinox banner ad is fucking driving me FUCKING CRAZY

everyone keeps talking about it but i have yet to see it, but i think someone just posted that it doesnt appear to those overseas so yeah.

holy shit tortas are bomb as fuck. torta cubana fucking amazing

god, i would kill for a good torta right now. i went to this average at best mexican spot here in seoul a few months ago and they had a cuban torta on their menu and it was foul, but the taco was decent so still never went back

new thread incoming " how i dated an otaku bitch and she wouldnt stop meowing at the restaurant"

no idea what an otaku is but not every having experienced it ill say meowing in public is a turn off.

- Doesnt say bye when you say bye. Well fuck you too.

- She looks like she smells bad.

i dont ever say good bye, ill say 'see ya' or talk to you later, but never good bye. i had an uncle who used to say never say good bye cause good bye means ill never see you again so say see you soon its better.

i just love organic peanut butter. its so much better than regular peanut butter.

also im going to sign up for the gym today and will start gaining weight. i am aiming for like 6 more kilos. i will fucking rape people on the basketball courts once i got rid of this injury. stoked for summer.

ive never tried organic peanut butter, though i do love the regular kind. correct me if im wrong but that inch of oil on the top kinda puts me off of it.


great word. though i was once trying to chat some girl up online and crack that word out, yeah didnt go as smoothly as i thought it would, but then again that chick was not the sharpest girl ive ever known

I like how some people's dopplegangers on facebook were chosen by a liar trying to be nice to the person at some point in their lives.

i chose not to change mine cause ive never gotten good ones, like i got jon favreau and bubba sparxxx, and a few days ago tito ortiz, so im like wtf, no.

Wait till youre old enough.

I never understood the whole "I WANNA DRINK A LOT NOW WHILE IM YOUNG AND FERTILE!" shit...

Not attacking you, just that I know people who are also underage who just need the cool alcohol.

drink while im young and fertile made me laugh my ass off. and yeah that is a great way of putting it

norm's the man


this also made me laugh my ass off. i love how uncomfortable the blonde chick is during this display or norms great wit

nah, girls always appreciate flowers. hopefully you'll take her out to dinner too or something.

wtf, its not just girls. some chick gave me flowers once, i hella appreciated that.

can someone make a superfuture online chatroom???

or can like sufugods make one directly on the forum???;; i t cant be that hard right??

sometimes i just watn to talk to sufu ppl about sufu stuffs

i remember when the chat was embedded on the top of the forums page, made this site lag like hell. funny as hell cause it was just a bunch of nonsensical rants on the top of the page

wow. the nastiest shit happened today at work. like the equivalent of someone smearing shit on bathroom walls.

this girl tries on a pair of pants, she comes out doesn't fit her, whatever. she leaves the pair in the fitting room. i go in to hang them back up. i grab the pants by the waistband and i feel something wet on my thumb. i look at it. i'm so fucking floored, it was blood on my hands. this bitch either had a nosebleed real fast or ragged on the fucking pants. i drop the pants and go to wash my hands and i'm freaking out at how disgusting this situation just was.

my coworker comes back from throwing out the trash and i tell him what happened and he cleans the blood off the floor which she tried to like rub in/smear away. i washed my hands like three times and my coworker goes, "dude it's just blood." and i'm like wtf!, "it's fucking pussy blood and it ain't mine!"

SO PISSED. SO GROSSED OUT. shoulda grabbed the bitch by her hair and made her clean it.

damn that is fucked, cant you just force the chick to buy those pants its like, i dont care who you are and how discounted they become, NO ONE will ever buy those ever

my room mate was this sikh kid named Harmon, and he didn't drink or like girls or people or loud music or music of any kind or crowds. Until I moved out, my parents were the parents who didn't let me drink or stay out late.

So our cruel university puts me and this kid together like some sort of tragic odd couple. Him, sitting alone in the corner playing NHL 2005, and me with 25 people crammed into a tiny little dorm room, drinking until 3 AM.

Harmon never threw out his newspapers, so there was always a huge pile of old newspapers on his side of the room. When he was gone and people slept over, i would spread his collection of old newspapers over his sheets to keep them fresh for when he got back.

this story, this is a good story

also, did they really have to change the name of this thread?

this thread is no longer super

wtf? why was it changed, the title seems so boring now

this fine as fuckkkkk redhead came in to interview today, too bad she didn't get the job ]:

dont know what it is but damn red heads really do it for me, maybe its the exotic factor

anyway got my wisdom tooth pulled yesterday, and im medicated out of my mind. i didnt even notice it till one of my co-workers brought it up today but damn i have not been myself all day

god i just found out that the school (they pay for my apartment) if making me move out the 21st while my contract doesnt end til the 26th. damn it i dont want to end up cleaning and shit on my last sunday here in seoul.

damn, monday i got insanely trashed before work, like i went to some sports bar to watch the superbowl with my friend tina. so after a while random cats started buying shots, so by the end of the game i had like 4 beers and 4 shots and then it was time to go. so i was getting ready to go and i saw my friend tina was talking to some dude, so i go to get her cause we need to get to work in like an hour. the guy she is talking with says let me get you guys a drink so im like sure. he goes 'what do you want' i respond, you are buying so you choose, he responds 'wrong answer' then he asks my friend tina and she says same thing, so the guy grabs the waitress and goes 2 shots of 151, im like 'what the fuck, nah dude im already too drunk and i have work in an hour' to which he replys 'you could have chosen what you wanted to drink, this will teach you for next time' so we take the shots, they burn like hell, we take a cab home, and get ready for work. which sucks cause ive never done anything like that where i dont have to go to sleep after heavy drinking, so it was like being conscience while the hangover takes affect, even though i was drinking hella water.

alright the 'future im going to bed, talk to y'all soon.

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^^ for the record we're setting the tainted pants of pussy blood ablaze. sending it to hell and things of the sort lol.

also i thought you were coming back in march or something? either way hope your transition back home goes smoothly. we'll have to celebrate but without 151.

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