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Random Thoughts...

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Okay, so this goes a while back now, if some of you remember back to April-June.

I lent my bro £3400 for school.

Turns out, original suspicions were correct, he was stupid enough to send blank cheque and it ended up being cashed in a bank in Manchester.

Going to be honest though, there were points I was doubting he'd even bother asking the bank to track the cheque and look for the money, and I'd pretty much given up hope on ever getting that money back. Turns out, it took his girlfriend's mom the final push to get him to do it, he wouldn't go with family.

Money be coming back over the next 10 weeks. On top of student loans and money I've saved this summer, I'm going to be kinda balla' status with about £7k in disposable income for the next 3 months. Not true balla', but more than enough for a student.

Also, I be getting a new car soon as well.

Karma, let the good times roll.

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VMA was all sorts of crazy this year ahaha. i don't watch that shit but it was hilarious/ fucked up.

kanye west is a fucking stupid retard, i can say i was an enormous fan of him for his first two albums, first time i "knew" i was listening one of his productions was "get by" by talib kweli and that beat is still perfect. he came out with a lot of great things for the first 2 and half albums (lol) but dude is just fucking out of his mind right now and i will never buy anything from him ever again, no matter what he comes out with i will just download that shit. that amber rose gold digger and his lack of intelligence are not doing wonders for him.

about lil'mama...lol... so fucking embarassing. "u t-paining right now" ahahaha, gotta love jay-z

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the best part of kayne west is that he wants to be taken seriously in the fashion industry he keeps confessing this to different people i know and he pulls shit like this still. not too mention he sends his stylist all over new york buying stuff for him to wear and returning it two days later, motherfucker is cheaper than my landlord and crazier than my mother.

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I tried to check my mail in my computer class this morning. found out some guy forgot to logout his yahoo account. started reading his messages and found out his gf sent him tons of pics of herself (couldn't really check them). if its still logged in on Wednesday I'm going to forward them to a dummy account and post in the cwg thread.

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I tried to check my mail in my computer class this morning. found out some guy forgot to logout his yahoo account. started reading his messages and found out his gf sent him tons of pics of herself (couldn't really check them). if its still logged in on Wednesday I'm going to forward them to a dummy account and post in the cwg thread.

i feel like i hit a jackpot/win a lottery when these things happen

reminds me of the time that one du hacked into sarah palin's email account :o

public computers FTW

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