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need a recommendation for a good external HD

these things get huger and huger every year, what are we on now? 5TB?

Internal >>>>>>>> external

I can't tell you how many external drives fail because eg a cat brushed against one and it toppled over.

The largest normal-ish single IDE/SATA drive you'll see is 1TB, after that they start getting pricey.

If you're serious about getting a nice large amount of storage, I would recommend something like this (I like these models but they're not the cheapest but there's lots of competitors). They're external but they're unlike single-drive enclosures which tend to generate way too much heat, be shoddily constructed, and just generally otherwise suck:


They're nice for end-consumer use because you can keep adding drives as you get them...

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how big of a storage do you need?

single 1TB-1.5 storage costs at least 10cents per GB(100$ p TB) at the very least.

if you need more, like 4+, then you could go with drobo, but its going to be a hell of a lot heavier, and drobo's 2TB drive are quite more expensive. the enclosures themselves cost a bit too; if you're transporting a massive amount like 16TB, it would be easier lugging around 8 2TBs in an enclosure than 16 1TBs seperatly

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my dad changed the caller id on his cellphone so that when he calls you it says Samurai Jack

sprint customer service calling him Sam and shit

woahwoah woah gotta get more info on this

shit sounds wild. would love to make a sick caller id name....

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just found this

duck sauce - The sweat that builds up on the taint during athletic activities. May be used as a substance in horseplay between males.

That guy just wiped some duck sauce in that guy's face.

taint -The area between the nutsack and asshole that prevent a man from shitting on his nuts.

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is your rent cheap?

i'd talk to the landowner..if he/she could get a higher price then what you're paying i'm sure they wouldn't mind letting you break it with little or no penalty..OR maybe work out a deal. if you find a tenant to take over your lease for the same price you're paying or more, then you're off the hook.

is the only thing i can think of

unless, the conditions aren't livable or something so you can break it, again without penalties

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Without spoilers, the one scene with Faye Wong at the doorway in Chungking Express was some perfect ass acting.

She was damn ethereal in that.

I love rewatching movies after a long ass time, the first time being when you were almost a different person, and the movie is like new again.

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