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Random Thoughts...

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  cinderella said:
my brother turned 18 today, and since he and his friends have recently reverted to childhood they all went to toys r us and bought him a sick nerf gun and some laffy taffy

After getting it they grabbed some gas and then headed back to school, but got pulled over. OUT OF NOWHERE, 6 cruisers and 3 unmarked cars swarm them, cops approach the car with hands on their guns screaming at them to get their hands up and get out of the car, etc. At this point, they are all shitting their pants.

This happened because the gas station attendant is A RETARD and thought that the enormous, plastic orange "gun" one of them was looking at was REAL and called the cops. LOL!!!! Once they figured out what was going on apparently the cops were killing themselves laughing, and apologized for pulling him over on his birthday.


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  cinderella said:
my brother turned 18 today, and since he and his friends have recently reverted to childhood they all went to toys r us and bought him a sick nerf gun and some laffy taffy

After getting it they grabbed some gas and then headed back to school, but got pulled over. OUT OF NOWHERE, 6 cruisers and 3 unmarked cars swarm them, cops approach the car with hands on their guns screaming at them to get their hands up and get out of the car, etc. At this point, they are all shitting their pants.

This happened because the gas station attendant is A RETARD and thought that the enormous, plastic orange "gun" one of them was looking at was REAL and called the cops. LOL!!!! Once they figured out what was going on apparently the cops were killing themselves laughing, and apologized for pulling him over on his birthday.

Now they need to do the necessary mods to the nerf guns...


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  mrip said:
also im sad i cant find my ms vickeys lime and black pepper

looks like i have to go to canada or something

What are you talking about? I see them here in americaland

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vacuumed interiors, and shined wheels, what's your life like?

this how mine's feel

i like my seat back, i like my wine chilled,

i look good, smell better, and i rhyme ill...

i'm at these girls neck & heads, you & your girl sleep in separate beds

yeah, i get pussy, but i'd rather get checks instead

y'all got birthday cake, mine's wedding tall

y'all lemon small, y'all never ball

40 hear my interviews, say tone it down

i'm at your girl's condo getting shown around

my city... never f'in need me, no wait, hold up,

they really need me, hold up, wait, young f'in weezy

holla at me when you done f'in weezy

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  tRaFFiC LiGhT said:
my eyes have been spewing TONS of eye gunk recently. sorta like the little dried up stuff you find in your eyes in the morning except my eyes spew them and i wake up and my entire like eye area is caked with them. like a blindfold of caked eye gunk. WHY?

pink eye? shit would happen to me when i had it

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