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High School: The Bringing of Temptations.

Going into high school, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It's definitely hard to live a fully devoted christian walk when you're put in a place like that. People are easily influenced into making really poor decisions and it's going on everywhere. It's sad, too. You want to help these people but you can become easily discouraged and you feel like there's no way into getting through to these people. From drugs, to alcohol, to sex, to gossiping, to putting other people down, to disrespecting teachers, to littering, to cussing, to not be doing what you are suppose to be doing, to ditching class, etc... I am also guilty of some of these things too, and I'm disappointed I could let myself do the things I have done and make the decisions I have made. I guess we do it just to fit in but when I do those things, I know I'm disappointing God. I'm giving into sin. I am not being a good witness to non-christians. As the year winds down, I was really thinking about how I have changed and I don't like the person I've become. Although,.. I am not just going to sit here and be sad about it because one thing God does is forgive, and He is all about giving second chances. We are never going to be perfect, things like this do happen... and God knows that. He knows we are going to make mistakes, but expects us to learn from them. I know through the strength God gives me, all things are possible. He loves and cares for me and is always there to talk to. Never lose faith, and stay strong. I know there are probably a lot of non-christians reading this and you may not completely understand what I'm saying or could really care less. But you know, I wish you could take this in and see the truth in it... in any of the blogs I have posted. There is truth in all of them. God is soo good, and He DOES exist. Time and time again He has proven Himself not only through me but many others, too.

some chick myspace blog

lol, after read first 2 sentence, I literally giggled and said "suck a dick nigga"


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so, we are chilling at like 4 last night. friends roommate comes down and is like 'yo, there is some people having sex on their car out front'. We turn off all the lights so they cant see us lurking in the window. This dude has his girl bent over the hood of his car. (in the morning discovered it was a 4 door Civic Si with 30 day tags). he was straight going to town on this bitch out in the open in this parking lot. then he flips her over and throws her legs over his shoulders. this is all going on for like 15 min. We then see the police roll up all stealth without headlights. two cars. one cop walks around and flanks em while the other creeps up from the parking lot side. dude was struggling to pull his pants up and what not. the cops let them go after a couple minutes of talking.

it was really nice outside last night, so I dont blame them.

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I took this out my window of my old flat a few years ago, I didn't manage to take a picture while he was fucking her with her legs literally spread wide apart while he talked to a passerby.


Oh and I lived right in one of the busiest parts of town, above a "Baby Gap".

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i've seen this video like 30 times, i just watched it again this morning and guess what? it's still hilarious. best ones are at 1:30 when the dude drags the woman outta the car and parks it for her and at 1:50.
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why are people on live so wack

i am droppin 40 on duns with rose

hittin 75% from outside with hinrich

du's trying to cheap me

trying to drive with lebron every play

but my style is impetuous

my defense is impregnable

i'm just ferocious

but yo seriously i'm beating all these du's without even full court pressing them and they are leaving me funny as fuck voice messages

also joakim noah is a cocksucker

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