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hmm, never thought of a different actor in his place...if it were your choice, who would you cast? altho i agree that the show is so good!!

and get well soon! :)

big love is good shit. i'm indifferent towards bill, but i can't stand chloe sevigny. bish always scheming and getting herself in debt

yo i dunno if i can make it to the rad hourani show friday. fuck i was looking forward to it too

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being 6'5 and wearing 'noticeable' (at least by local standards) clothes in a really high population density city startin to get on my nerves. I mean i could just put on that black fedora, and as soon as I go to Mong Kok i draw a lotta attention for no particular reason, and I'm not even the most slightly 'known' let alone famous.

i wanna move somewhere where nobody would give a shit and i could just walk around doin whatever. Yeah I'm self conscious about the stares, or maybe it's paranoia, but fuck it man I just wanna be invisible.

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So now I'm having a terrible day. I fucked up my phone and apple told me to fuck myself. I had to buy cologne for my boss while i was at the mall and therefore had to journey into Abercrombie... a move which ruins my days everytime. Now I attempted to drown my sorrows in a cinnabon and that cunt behind the counter gave me a corner piece with barely any frosting. Fuck.

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I can't stop worrying that this whole economic crisis and everything else shitty going on right now might not just blow over. If it took WWII to get us out of a more isolated depression last time what the fuck are we supposed to do this time around? I'd be fine with it if I knew that we (the "western world") were just going to end up like other superpowers after they lost a lot of their power, but I can't help wondering if we're entering into some apocalyptic or dark ages shit.

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