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What was wrong with the white wiminz thread? Mods into asians or something? Never been with one so i dunno.

Watching crimes and misdemeanors just brought me down. That was a poor decision.

A great decision was getting a rosemary baguette from this amazing small bakery nearby. God i was happy i had that tonight. Delicious. This came after a scrumptious bbq chicken quesadilla. This weekend will be a good weekend for food.

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i had 5 cups of coffee and a yogurt WOO

Have you had that new starbucks drink in the can at convenient stores? It's the tall one that says double shot + energy? It's like a starbucks double shot but then throwing a redbull in. Tastes just like a doubleshot coffee drink, but has so much fucking caffine and guarana, taurine, and all those other weird things that i just trust won't kill me. Fucking makes me jittery as hell

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i went to mamouns just not and didn't get anything

i am awesome

you all should be proud

gotta stay skinny sofr the superfutue

and space 212 is so


and i hung out with amanda lorber

but you probably dont sknow who that si

because i didnt

until yesterday

Isnt space that spot in ktown? I think somebody told me about it, everybody there is mad underage.

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Someone find me a relatively easy to find energy drink that will pretty much kill me when i drink it before class. Any recommendations?

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Oh my god. Apparently this has the strength of 5 redbulls all at once. 505 mgs of caffine, 4400 mg taurine. Redbull for example has 115mg caffine and 1400 mg taurine. Fuck i need this in my life. I want my heart to just stop. I'm going to albertsons (apparently a stockist) tomorrow.

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I'll proxy this wired stuff. Fuck, i might start including that as incentive for people to buy my clothes.

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