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I've been throwing money away like mad. Add to that that I just lost my metro pass today and will need to spend another $110 I'm destitute until my next pay comes through. Good time for a starvation diet.

i've been super careless with money lately too (cigarettes, eating out, shopping) even though i've been doing so good on saving. i found two for one packs of marlboro smooths, so i bought two packs.

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now that i think of it, I think it was revenge because this morning I asked him to stop going into the bathroom with shoes on, as the light colored floor showed dirtiness way too easily and I was sick of cleaning it every day.

I feel for those with nasty ass roomates.

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i've been super careless with money lately too (cigarettes, eating out, shopping) even though i've been doing so good on saving. i found two for one packs of marlboro smooths, so i bought two packs.

It's an addiction really. I have about 100 dollars of spare cash right now, which I know would be better saved and spent on something I really want. But I know I'm going to buy something just to buy something...

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I dunno I think some ppl's faces just say honest and well behaved? I don't want to go into sucker or pushover category because I def have one of those faces.

yahh it definitely be the honest-looking face. (unless they're rude / pushy / scary looking) i do end up giving something to most these people too.

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True or false?

The best cure for a broken heart is selling some stuff and buying a tim hamilton reversible trench coat

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I'm supposed to drink a bunch? I dunno man. Sucks when the girl says she feels stronger about you than some schmuck but just can't leave because she feels she "owes it to him". Especially when she keeps telling me all this shit how much she loves me more than she thought possible considering she is more natural with me than her bf. and so on. I told her i can't just be her back door man anymore and she said she is too cowardly to make this happen. Fuck man.

My friends here pretty much suck so they don't really want to drink with me i don't think. I also have to work on so much group work with this girl the rest of the semester. I might just hook up with this other girl in class just because i probably can. I dunno.

At least Jonathan Richman tomorrow night should cheer me up for awhile. I hope he plays I'm a Little Dinosaur and Abominable Snowman in the Supermarket

what makes is worse is that yesterday i discovered when we were in my room that she had absolutely perfect tits. Geezus.


I have $18 left on sports book. I'm thinking a 2 team teaser to where i have the Vikings getting 9 and taking the under of 52.5. I think it'd be $18 to win $17, so i'd have about $35 for next sunday to bet on. I think that bet would pretty much be a lock. Vikings aren't losing by more than 8, and their D is too good to let it get that high scoring.

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I dunno, shit was pretty real. Then again, it may have been for the best as she became really really into me. Almost scary into me and potential future like i haven't seen from a girl even my ex-gf of 3 years.

Also, she knows her current bf is planning to propose to her over thanksgiving break. Another wrench. Not gonna lie, i'm entrenched in her head and she's fucked up now. Sucks for that guy as i've met him a few times and he can't really compete with me toe to toe from any angle.

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^relish the bullshit before you settle down. me and my friend were just lamenting that once you're not really looking to fall in love and you have a career and a family and a house and all the artifice of life, there's a certain boredom in what now/what's next.

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I know what you mean. I was planning on not worrying about bitches at all this year since i'm getting my master's this summer and want to get the hell out of here. Occasional hook ups were fine, but this thing snowballed quick as fuck. I dunno about fooling around with that other girl from class as i think she's interested and has been flirting for awhile but i had been busy with that other girl. With both of those girls in the program, i could set myself up for a really awkward time the rest of the year.

The other girl is a little bigger, but really pretty face and a big ass rack. The girl with the bf said she's already jealous since she knows that girl likes me. I'm not a revenge fuck guy, but more of a "just plain getting some would be nice at the moment". I dunno

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She looks a lot like my ex of 3 years though, which is kinda weird but a bit bigger with a huge rack. She isn't anything special like that other girl, but it's alright. I'm probably going to give it a go, since i'm so busy with intern teaching, classes and work that i haven't met anyone this semester really. May as well use what's at my disposal. Boobs aren't as perfect as the other girl's but at least they're really big.

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