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right now i am eating the most cardiac arrest inducing cheeseburger i have ever had in my entire lifetime.

one of my friends was telling me about a burger he had that had a fried cheese wheel on it, and it was teh best burger he ever had. it sounds so bad for you but i know that i need to have one at some point in my life.

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hm how much do you guys tip??

do you calculate the tip with tax or without tax,,I'm F'ing confused damn waitress

15-20% depending on service... more if I know the person and they hook me up cuz servers have to live on those tips. Calc % before tax, I usually multiply the tax amount (6% here) by 3 to get a rough 18% and round up or down depending.

fyi, there's a whole thread on the topic in... er... superculture maybe

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fuck I'm tired.

being the nice/pushover guy I am, was up till 6 this morning bailing my ex out of jail. DUI .004 over the fuckin limit, couldn't let the girl spend the night in jail :/

did you at least get to fuck her after?

i dont think my seamstress is that good if she needs a pattern :-/ but shes so nice and funny! :( fuck.

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did you at least get to fuck her after?

haha... I actually passed last night, wasn't really feeling it after running around all night before getting to wait at the jail for a couple hours. at least I was able to go out to my car and smoke a bowl or three while I was waiting :) but if you must know, Im sure as hell counting on her paying me back tonight and sucking my dick as an interest payment.

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i hate that feeling like no matter how much stuff you do, how much time you spend with people, whatever you buy, how much you get out of the house, however much you think your having fun, you still feel like something is just plain missing and that everybody around you isn't worth even talking to. I feel a need to go roam streets of new york all night. Maybe that'd help.

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i hate that feeling like no matter how much stuff you do, how much time you spend with people, whatever you buy, how much you get out of the house, however much you think your having fun, you still feel like something is just plain missing and that everybody around you isn't worth even talking to. I feel a need to go roam streets of new york all night. Maybe that'd help.

it will .

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i hate that feeling like no matter how much stuff you do, how much time you spend with people, whatever you buy, how much you get out of the house, however much you think your having fun, you still feel like something is just plain missing and that everybody around you isn't worth even talking to. I feel a need to go roam streets of new york all night. Maybe that'd help.

i feel this and do that all the f'in time

2000db you stretch ur foot pics?

hangthedj i aint mad at a lil americanapparel x vintagemags x ali x archery

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jeepster status feet

nah. Mine are far more hobbit-like.

But 2000, my advice would be to get it checked out. When I broke my ankle, I thought I had just fractured the bone (which the trainer thought as well). It wasn't until I went to the doctor the next day that I learned I had popped the major ligament on my instep side and cracked a growth plate and small interior bone and required to have a plate and 5 screws inserted into my ankle.

I'd get that shit checked out. At least get an Air-cast. Ice it like a motherfucker too. Don't want it turning out to have something like this:


swollen all day, errday.

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i hate that feeling like no matter how much stuff you do, how much time you spend with people, whatever you buy, how much you get out of the house, however much you think your having fun, you still feel like something is just plain missing and that everybody around you isn't worth even talking to. I feel a need to go roam streets of new york all night. Maybe that'd help.

the last time i had that feeling, which wasnt that long ago...

i hopped on my bike and rode for miles and miles at night

it was so much colder than during the day, and it felt amazing.

the streets were empty so i could do whatever i wanted in the middle of the road

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